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  · iii; How t0 L1ve....m. l s
`    D0 not eat adtilternted food. which you surely do when §
V you buy inferior Groceries, but try to get the best, if it
  costs you a little more When you see an ad. calling your  
. attention to an article that is being sold for less than
regular dealers are asking far the same, you can depend
  upon it that it is adulterated. If you want to live   `
  itil Z-X Long T1me........  
  And enjoy good health. eat. wholesome food. Anything  
in the grocery line. both domestic and 1'zmcy. of the best
`   quality and at the lowe st pn iees, can be found at  
  tt J. B. RUEERS & Bl}.,
*   (Successors to Lindsay, Rogers & Co.)  
i  lil? Grocers You Gan Trust. gig
1   Cor. Upper and Water Streets.  
. S
1   GIG-ARETTE5,   ·
’ 5
  And everything in the Studenr$’ line.  
i   "&"       ".·»~..,`~¢.-,'“‘“¤“' -·~»L.,..., "“° ·~..;.—.·`,.~»—J"""‘w
, . . Just as well burn it as to pay two prices for your Furnisliing _
E { Goods, Hats and Shoes.
` is the place to buy when you want to save money. Cut prices
on Underwear, Neckwear, Shirts, Hats and Shoes.
J. D. PURCELL. 11, 13 and 15 West Niuiu Street-