I 52 THE CADET. _.;_  
T The thunder strikes a deafening note,  
‘ The clouds their lightnings lend,  »
The witches howl with husky throat, L; 
_ And the 1·ocks loud echoes send.  
’ The music shakes the mountains through, ‘  
The pines wave to and fro, _  
The jack-o-lantern dances, too,  
In the valley far below. .  
Gaily they’ll dance till through the gloom  
Soft comes the peep-0-day; p  
IVhen each old witch will mount her broom  
—. Away to inoisten the hills of Spain,  
  To lend the traveler shade,  
i Or murmuring, kiss the ankles brown  
Of the barefoot highland maid.  
. C. Aanon. _  0
[Concluded.]  .0
If we compare this with the estimates of other investigators meant to cover  
about the same period of the earth’s history-—that since the conditions were such  
fossiliferous sediments could forzn, we will not End perfect agreement. More-  
‘ over, if, in addition, we take into consideration other geological estimates, based jf 
upon different principles (often only roughguesses), and covering a diH'erent "E, 
period ofthe eartlfs history--that since the globe was in a molten state; the  
discrepancy will be still more marked, presenting us with a range in calculation  
varying from ::,000,000 years as a minimum to 2,400,000,000 years as a maxi-  
mum. Excluding these extremes, however, and confining our attention to the  
later and more careful estimates: we find substantial agreement, which is exhib·  i
which is exhibited in a disposition to keep well within the 100,000,000 year limit ·  
assigned geologists by the physicists. In so tar as this gene1·al agreement be- 5
tween geologists and physicists is determined simply by an impartial interpreta-  
{gig;] ofthe facts in the two fields of investigation, it should commend itself to us  ?;
i indicatingan approach to the truth. Agreement here is so far forth c0rrobora—  
tion. But a protest must be entered against anything looking like dictation by  .
the investigators in the one field to those in the other. And here it is the phy-