s tives. The courses from which Home Economics electives are HOME ECONOMICS
60 to be chosen appear under each major field.  
Q4 Changes in a curriculum to meet specific needs may be U i a d S . Y
G4 ‘ made if approved in accordance with rules of the University HE 71 F gn Or   gum ears
*28 V Faculty. A student with a special interest not included in the HE §3%)_I 0;) S 3131%] dlmtlon 3
l63 ‘ six major fields may remain in the general curriculum and, in _ U. CHQ Bslgn
. HE 4O2—D1etet1cs 3
)$4 conference with her advisor, select appropriate groups of HE ;6i_C0nSumér Problems 3
jg; elective courses. Such special interests include community 1.IE ;62,;6;_HOm€ Management &
M1 _ gutgitioné and preparation for graduate study and research in Family Relations 5
o a t `t`o .
B3 O S H ml U1 U Electives Sl
H6 GENERAL connrcorum IN Home ECONOMICS g;I;§%°E;CT;;?;nCé’§;ii;S  
937 The general curriculum constitutes a core curriculum, and Total required for graduation B6
courses listed are required in all curricula.
965 General Education 42 tiengyralgilectiveihari go be chosen with assistancg (of the
· s u en s a visor. e o owing areas are recommen e .
F l d S h Y
959 rcs Umm ai] _Op Omom Cari _ Agricultural Extension Library Science
959 Communications and Humanities 13 Anthropology Microbiology
958 ART lOS—Forms of Art Z Art Modern Foreign Languages
' ART l30—Basic Design or Chemistry and Literatures
HUM ZO3—Art: The Renaissance Commerce Physical Education
to tho Ptosont Z Education Psychology
**ENC 101, 102-Freshman Composition 6 Eiiglisli Radio, Television and Films
ENG l8l—Basic Public Speaking or Hl$tOl'Y Sociology
IQU g()]..Etymoiogy oi irlorticiilture Zoology
OU 203——Principles of News Writing 3 Ollma ism
Eco- I
uire- ’°‘CHE l02,104—General Chemistry for
ome Students in Agr. & Home Economics 8 This curriculum prepares a student for homemaking,
is of PHY l>l or lSZ—Introduction to Physics nursery school teaching fellowships, or future specialization
the ` Bioiogioiii Sciences 7 in the field of child development and family living.
min PCE 206—Elementary Physiology 3 Crs.
¤1¤lY PS3 lOO·"llltl'0duCtlO¤ to P$YCh0lOgY 4 Core courses (see general curriculum) 85
  Sooisl Sciences 9 Home Economics electives (starred courses are required) 17
`Th_ ECO ZSl—Principles of Economics 3 HE g;4_pSvC]ioiogv of the Ciiiid g
mm: History or Political Science elective 3 #HE g;()_C]ii]d Goioaiioo g
_t , RS 156--Introduction to Rural Sociology or HE gog_Ciiiding Childrciirs Routines 3
ml; I SOC l§l—l¤iio3 or 154-—Soc1et1es Around the HE ;;;___pi8y and play Materials 2
l t g World 3 HE $$7-—lnfant Development Z
me  i Physical Education Z HE 316-Food for Children 3
ls of Home Economics 4; HE 59S—Special Problems in Child Development
and Family Living 5
ihooi A Ffeshmafl and S0Ph0m0T€ Years *HE 396—Supervised Nursery School Participation 3
omio HE l0O—lntroduction to Home Economics l HE 332—Nursery School Organization 3
Cf HE 1()4—Foods 4 HE >S3—The Child in His Family 3
org);   £g—$oo