D. Closed Session
Dr. Brockman stated that the Board of Trustees will go into closed session in order to
have discussions with potential candidates that may lead to the selection of a preferred candidate
for the appointment as president. The Board must go into closed session because open
discussions with candidates would violate their personal privacy rights.
The following guidelines will be used for the closed session:
• Only those persons necessary to provide infonnation to the Board may be present
with the Board and no others.
• Nothing else may be discussed in the closed session but the infonnation relating to
the candidates.
• When the Board discussions have been completed, no vote may be taken.
Dr. Brockman moved that the Board go into closed session pursuant to KRS 61.810 (1)
(f). This statutory citation is the exception in the open meetings law that pennits us to go into
closed session to discuss potential candidates which may lead to the selection of a preferred
candidate for the appointment as president.
Mr. Stuckert seconded the motion, and it passed without dissent. The Board went into
closed session at 6:48 a.m.
E. Open Session
At 4:07 p.m. Dr. Brockman stated that the closed session of the Board had concluded.
Mr. Stuckert moved that the name of Dr. Eli Capilouto be submitted to the Board of
Trustees as the Preferred Candidate to serve as the 12m President of the University of Kentucky
contingent upon the following:
• A full vetting as scheduled, with the preferred candidate and the university campus
community tomorrow, May 2, 2011, and ,
• Final approval ofthe Board of Trustees, subject to the Board’s review of the campus
community feedback in its closed meeting on Tuesday moming, May 3, 2011.
Dr. Peek seconded the motion, and it carried unanimously.
Dr. Brockman said there would be a vetting on campus on Monday and reiterated that
this is an historic moment for the University of Kentucky.
Again, he thanked Mr. Stuckert, chair ofthe Presidential Search Committee, and Teny
Mobley, Vice Chair ofthe Committee, for their outstanding leadership in keeping the task on
schedule. He said that Dr. Capilouto is an excellent candidate for the next president of the
University of Kentucky, and the Board applauded Dr. Brockman’s remarks.