Minutes of the meeting of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky,
for its regular tqxarterly meeting on Wednesday, September 21, 1920.

     The Board of Trustees of tire University of Eentuoky met in regular quar-
terly session in the Presideeat's office at the Uaiversity on Wednesday, Sep-
tember 21, 1920, at 12:00 c' ooC1., n0oon.  The following euembers vrere present:
R.- C. Stoll, Robert G.- Goradozi, FI.ank HoKee, T. L. Hora sby, Senator H. M. Fro-
man, ani P. P. 37ohnston, Jr.  President Frazdk L. MoVey and 'Cellington Pat-
riok, Secretary of the Board were a. so preserat.  Communicat ions were read
Dr. James K. Patterson an.l J, 1. Lyle ea;pres si-ng regret. at their irability
to be present on acocunt of i'laess,   In the absence of the Governor, the
meeting was called to ox:der by Mr. Stoll.  After roll oall it was determnined
that there was not a q:ac..rn. Vesent.; but it was the sense of the members
present that a nuraber of me,.;ers reaqaired immediate attention, and Mr. Stoll
announoed that the members vocld proosad to busnriess, leaving the actions
subje.t to the approval of the -Board at the next meeting.

     (1) President's Qqlr4;crlv Report.  President MoVey was oalled upon for
his report.   Verbaly, ne gave a brief quar-erly repert of the happenings at
the University sinoe tie 2.ast meeting of the Board as follows:

     Board. of Trustees
          University of Kentucky

     Gentleme rLt

          ""In presenting my olvarterly report to you, I shall oonfiue my
     remarks to a br~ef statemeat of the happexiii gs at the Unui7ersity
     sinoe the Board last roet.  I have a few points in inind whiih I will
     ena= erat e.

          * (a) Reistr tio x.  The University opened its first semester
     yesterday suad  or tha lcast day aad a half we have been engaged iin
     registering the s;iAd!ats.  At noon to--day, September 21, the regis-
     tration had reached yc90 students.  Th~s points to a total regis-
     t;:'atlon at tha beginniag of the semester of about 1,200 students.

          "tb) Plres, f ; (bdon Pr oper^tr.   In order to provide addl-
     ticnal room ioir girls av-ce !tLikg the University we have purchse'd
     the Gordon properLy ba'k o!' the Maxoell Street Presbyterian Churohl
     This proper-cy UtSi; $1i itco.  Vte ihave.spent approximately $2,500
     for Nurraiterc. akad ap: icralseel- y4-..500 'or repairs, maling a totp.l
     oost of a       Io - , O   comar.ittee from Lhe Board went over this.
     properL. and coi.s!.iered it the best propositioIn obtainable.   It
     will Lo04se 45 girls.