
McCauley and together with Florence V. McCauley, another child of
John McCauley, who was not named as a grantee in the deed dated
February 28, 1850, conveyed the five acres of land above referred
to, to one Nannie Smith.   I am reliably advised that William
Henry McCauley died before reaching the age of 21 years, and this
is corroborated by Mr. Nicol, the superintendent of the Lexington
Cemetery, who, upon inquiry, advised me that the Cemetery Records
show that William H. M'cCauley, a child of 12 years of age, was
buried in the cemetery on June 4, 1860.    The records in the County
Clerk's Office show that John McCauley was living at the time of
the death of his said son; Order Book 17, page 508; and on the
death of John McCauley, prior to March 1, 1870, on which dante an
administrator was appointed for his estate, be became the sole
heir of William Henry McCauley, and as hie died intestate, the
grantors named in tlhe deed above referred to dated March 4, 1888,
became his heirs and thus held the entire fee simple to the prop-
erty conveyed by said deed, I having satisfactory information that
John McCauley had no other o'lildren than those referred to, and
that his wife, Mary McCauley is long since dead.

     In the deed dated March 4, 1888 and recorded in Deed Book 81
page 32, whereby Nannie Smith conveyed a part of the above mentioned
five acre tract and including the lot novr in cuestion to Lizzie M.
Johnstoz,there is a lien retained to secure the payment of two notes
for $335.33 each, due in one and two years respectively after Miaroh
4, 1888, the lien for one of these notes having been assigned on
April 10, 1890, to Aristides Welch, and the lien to secure the other
having been assigned on July 3, 1889 to 3. Yletcher Johnston, the
husband of said Lizzie M. Johnston.    As moresthan twenty years
have elapsed since these notes became due, and there is not an ex-
tension of the lien on the margin of the record, and J. Fletcher
Johnston now being dead, I am of the opinion that the lien to se-
cure the same is now barred by limitations, the property hlaving
been transferred a number of times since that date.

     The lot in question was conveyed by C. M. Marshall, Joe C.
Van Meter and D. N. Parrish as trustees of the Maxwell Street Pres-
byterian Churchl to Mary C. Zast, by deed dated October 21, 1918,
and recorded in Deed Book 190 page 231, but upon examination of
the records of the MAaxwell Street Presbyterian Church I find that
at the congregational meeting held September 29, 1918, the congre-
gation accepted th e offer of R. M. Thompson to pay $7000.00 for the
lot and authorized i's said trustees to convey the lot to said
Thompson.   It appears that Thompson is the nephew of Mary C. East,
and that he was acting for her in making the offer, but I am of the
opinion that the authority given by the congregation to the trustees
to convey the property to Thompson was not a sufficient authority
for them to convey the property to Mary C. East,     For these rea-
sons I am of the opinion that it will be necessary for the congre-
gation to have a meeting at which a resolution is adopted reciting