I, S
pm- 781 Special Problems in Foods and Nutrition. HOME ECONOMICS
com l (1-3) I, II, S l I
(ms. gxiivi;¤g tw° h°“"S‘ Pr°“’q’ HE 12O¤ ART 105· B°“`f°'d·
Lecture, one hour; lab, four hours. Prereq: ART 105, HE 120 0 .
z S approval of instructor. Kidd. I   L COStume
S Lecture, one hour; lab, two hours. Prereq: HE 120. Bctsrfcrd. D€SigH, dfld ITltQTiOT D€SigTl.   S
wr · Investigation of special textile, clothing, and costume design or
Om   LCIbOTC1tOT’)’ {OT HOTTIG ECOTTOTTUCS   inferior design problems; lecture, two hours. May be répéafed
uy , _ twice for zi total of six credits. Kidd and Butsford.
S22 Economics of Clothing. (2) I, S __82 S _ IP bl _ Cl I _ d
The clothing industry its influence and economy. Field trips to study / pecm ro ems In Ot Hug an
S UIRSS ' y . ` ' I `
production; class project; and individual semester reports. Costume Deslgn   I   S
' L t , h ; lb, t h . P : HE 227, 561, - . ' ’ ,
  p:§v‘;EOf(;:;tru2;1;r_ %0t5,f:;,;_ Ours rel-eq or ap gndependentfadvanced work un a specific problem. May be repeated
Six or 21 total 0 six credits. Bots/ord and Kidd.
S23 Fashion. Z II - · · - .
, _ ( > _’ S /8.5 Special Problems m Interior Design. (1-3) I, II, S
S How the fashion world works. Study of French, Italian and American I d d d _
designers who have greatest influence on current trends. Field trips n epen ent a .`/anceq WOrk,0n a spemac pmbl€m' May be repeated
nd to augment lectures. Lecture, two hours. Prereq: HE 227 0r for 3 wml Of SIX crcdlm Kidd'
d approval f'nt t . B tf d. . . .
QE ° ‘““°°'   787 Speczal Pmbzems m Tmzes. (1-2) 1, 11, s
or   Costume Dg3igy]_   I, S Independent advanced work on :1 specific problem. May bc repeated
The arts of costume today and throughout the pm. Costumes arc *0* ¤ *0**** 0* M °r€<*·*5· C¤¤<=·¤= HE 52** B¤*#<¤d·
gesigned to meet t0c}ay’s needs. Lecture, one hour; lab, four hours.
< A 7 . . .
fs $25 Laboratory for Home Econonucs 5-4. 240 Inmtutlcn Marketing. (3) U
' · Economics of food and supplies fur institutions. Factors that influence
S   Advanced ClOtll1ng·     S selection and purchase. Field trips to wholesale houses, distributim.
The making of foundation and creative pattern designs, also C1'€i\t1V€ centers and food production plants. Lecture, two hours; lab, two hours.
u- design through draping, with emphasis on accurate fittings. Lecture, Prereq: ECO 251. Bruwnlic.
1d one hour; lab, four hours. Prereq: HE 22.7. Botyford. 7
p- ,, _ ..41 Laboratory for Home Economics 240.
ce $2/ Laboratory for Home Economics S26.
- . , 242 Institution Foods. (4) I
S >28 Tailoring   Iv S Large quantity food preparation and scrvicc. Using modern cquip-
H Analysis of tailoring technique in the shop and in the home. Tailored ment in preparation of large quantities of food. Food cost accounting.
* Zélfmcnts are planned and constructed. Lab, four hours. Prereq: job analysis, and time studies. Lecture, two hours; lah, four hours
HE 328. Batyfnrd. Prereq: HE 104. Bmwnlic.