Bruce lirederick Denbo, M.A., Director of University of Maurice Stanley VVall, M.S. in Ed., Ed.D., Associate
Kentucky Press Dean, College of Agriculture and Home Economies
Cjlrrrrlcs Fowler ldlton, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of Admissions Robert Ezekiel Shaver, C.E., Dean of the College of i
and Registrar Engineering; Director, Engineering Experiment
Keller lolmson Dunn, M.A., Associate Dean of Adrrris- Stntinn
sions William Lewis Matthews, lr., A.B., LL.l\rI., S.].D.,
Kenneth llarper, MA., Pl1.D., Dean of Men D63“v C0H6g6 Of Law
rcrris rrortr rrnrtrortr, Ars., MA., ratio., Dean, coni- Lvninn Vsrnnn Ginger. MA, EAD-, Dtrin nf tht Gni-
rnrmity College System 1636 nf Eduwtlon
rcrrst-r trzii-rot eotrrior-, MA, ratio., Assistant Doon, Rnhsrt Wiihnin Rudd, M5-, PhD-, Acting Dtnn ni
Cornmrmity College System th6 COH6g6 nf COmm6Y66
rtoi- r<, larecky, r·:rr.r>., Associate Dean for Admissions Arthur C· Ginssnr, Ph-Ds Acting Dtun nf tht Cniitat
and Student Personnel, Medical Center Of PhmmH6Y
llelen Calvin King, A.B., Director of Alumni Affairs Vvillitim R0b€Tt Vvillftfdy B-S-s MD-, DPP-Ho D·SC·i
in-rt r.. Arnrrignii,   Mio., Director, University Drnu ni tht Cniirst nt Mrtiinns
Ilcaltlr Service Tom F. \Vhayne, M.D., Asistant Dean of the College
lillnert \\l. ()ekerman, l\·l.A., Ed.D., Director of School nf Mcdicinc
Relations Marcia Allene Dake, M.A., Ed.D., Dean of the College
Doris M. Seward, M.A., Ph.D., Dean of \Vomen Of Nursing
rmrroiioo sitriioy Tlroinpson, MA., P1i.D., Director of May Stindnrs, Ed.D., Assistant Drrnn, Cniisgrr ni Nursing
Liliraries Alvin L. Morris, D.D.S., Ph.D., Dean of the College of
\\”illi;rnr ltrederiek \Vagner, Ph.D., Director, Summer Dentistry
Schhlitii Raymon Dudley lohnson, M.A. in Ed., Ed.D., Dean,
THE COLLEGES University Extension
irinnr tninn.ri wriito, MA., rno., otsn of trio Cnrnshur A- Hager M-A·» Anntrrnt Den U iiit rnrtt »
College of Arts and Sciences Extension A
jacob Robert Meadow, AIA., Ph.D., Assistant Dean, Charles Péukcr GmV€S’ M°AIch" Dean Of the SCIIOOI Of
College of Arts and Sciences Archltccture
ryirrriini A. sont. ns., ririn., Dean ofthe College of Aihsrt Dnnnis Kirwnn» MA-i LL-B-r PhD-7 Dsnn ni tht
Agricrrltnre and llome Economics; Director of the Graduate School
Experirnent Station; Director of Agricultural Ex- lames Charles Humphries, Ph.D., Assistant Dean of the
tension Graduate School
.. ih