NOV. 1, '1916

     2 The executive  Board of University of -entuck-y met with
(hairman Nichols in the chair aid the following present:
Chairman Nichols, R. C. Stoll,  . .  errell, Frank McKee, Ge
G& Brock, John E. Brown and P. P. Johnston, Jr.

     1he  oard suspended the regular order of business in Vorder
to give opportunity to a committee from the Agricultural   ollege,
composed of rof. kA. Bryant-, George    berts and L.f. Good, to
address the Board. T.R. Bryant announced that on the first of
January arrnagements were being made to hold the mid-winter
Breeders and Farmers Exhibition at the 8xperimemt Station and
askea that the board make an a-ppropriation of $360.00 to pay
for prizes.   r. Stoll asked if Doctor lastle had not, years
ago, extablished the custom of giving bronze medals as premiums
and desired to know why this custom should not be continued.
Mr. Bryant said that bronze medals had been Drovided for seeep
stake awards and thnt that custom would be continued as to
sweepstakes but these medals, on account of the fact that so
many were -;iven out, were of little value.

     Mr. Stoll asked if prizes had not been gotten mostly by
popular subscription and Mr. Bryant replied that they had; that
mauhants and manufacturers had from time to time donated prizes
but in many instances they were su-ch prizes as churns and farm
implements and articles of l1ttle ivalue which the merchats were
glad to get rid of and wtlch in many cases the Agricultural
Departm ent did not recommend.  r. Stoll then asked if the
Extension fund of the college could not be so used.   Mr. Bryant
said that the draft on the -5xtension fund already for expenses
was very heavy, for speakers andftr general arrangements for
the event. tr. -ryanir said further that it was humilitating for
members of the faculty of the tiollege of Agriculture to be
compelled to take their hats In their hands and go begging
among merchants who have already been overworked for prizes
to Dromote this exhibition.   e pointed out the value of this
exhibition to the University 9nd to the farmers of the State.
Dean pro tem %oberts and  r. Good voiced the same view a s dr.
Bryant concerning the matter of begging for pries.

     Mr. McKee said that the exhibition was undoubtedly a great
benefit to the University and to the farmers and that he was
in favor of tne appropriation in case it was found that the
money was forthcoming to meet the expense of these premiuams.
Mr. Mcere further said that he favored medals instead of money
as prizes.

     bean Itoberts stated that the university of "llinois had
adopted the custom of having a trophy that stays always in the
institution and that the names of successful contestants were
simply added as a mark of hone;- Lo this trophy from year to
year and that he believed that some such step as this would be
wise a f   pfrt of the University of 'entucky.    After submitting