J. M. Byrnos     (P2aner)                  4.4U
Georg6 Payne t& Co.                        1.40

               MI SCHL _REOUS

S tams                                   214.00
Western Union Telegrarh Co.                 2.08
F?. P. wnderson                            50.00
John C. Weber  (band)                     130.00
Phoenix Hotel Co.  (guests)                28.00
Junior Class       (Drize)                100.00
Caps and gowns                             86.00
Michler Brothers   (dOlant8)                7,50
Louis E. Ramsey & Co.                      12.50
Caufield & 'hark  (Photographer)            9.00
Mimeograph 5upplies and ink                82.50

     Dean Anderson then addressed the Board, stating a gen-
eral objection to certain items of exrense being charged
to the %t3llege of aechanical and -Ilectrical -engineering
instead of to University general expense. He explained
that on certain ocxasions moneys had been ex-oended for what
he considered to be for the benefit of the University and
char.ed to the College of Mechanical & Electrical Engineer-
ing.  He gave as an instance the case of the erection of
the Railway monument near mechanical Hall last May and
the ceremonies attending it, and certain eox'enses charged
to his account that grew ouk of the recent fiftleth anni-
versary celebration.  Dean  nderson said he believed that
these accounts should be charged to general University ex-
pense and not to his deoartment.

     Mr. McKee stated that when an exnense was incurred
without an aDprooriation or budget therefor, it had to be
charged to the department that authorized that expense as
there was no annarent way out of it.   &r. Stoll concurred
in this view anr! askied Dean Anderson if the trouble was
not dul to the fact thiat exrenditures were made without
first gettini- authority of the :xe utive board to make
them. Dean nderson said he would accept the responsibil-
ity for any act that he dia but he wanted this -Board to
know that when the occasion arose in which he was ccmnelled
to run over a specified fixed amount, he felt th t he was
doing it for the benefit of the University and the Univer-
sity should assume the expense. At this point Mr. Bvgwn

     i Dean Anderson referred to the purchase of a moving
icicture machine by him and Doctor Ka5tle, each to pay
half of the cost.   he machine, he sAid was to be used
for student instruot on and benefit.   "r. Stoll interrupt-
ed and said. *Do you not think that when things are to be
charged to the University account, it is better to allow
this Board to decide on and pass apironrlations for them?"

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