important legal papers of the University, be made and thalt
a list be furnished of this inventory to the Secretary and
the same be aoread unon the minutes. 1he list as furnish-
ed follows:

     Peaboiy Note-%ond of Treasurer Alexander; Mr. Peak's
bond with the American Surety Co.; Juiige Lafferty's bond
in the Fidelity and DeDosit Co. of Maryland; J.B. Lyons'
bond in the  idelity and Deposit Co. of Maryland; the deed
of kargaret McLaughlin to State University bearing date of
June 9, 19109 and conveying a certain lot and narcel of
ground on the east side of 5outh Limestone Street; abstract
of said McLaughlin deed; commissioner's deed to McLaughlin
in completion of the original transaction of the McLaugh-
lin deed; a tean day option of sale on a certain lot on
east side of %outh Limlestone Street belonging to Rebecca
Calverg, bearing date of December 8th, 1910; abstract of
deed bearing title "Rebecca J. 'alvert to State University,
Lexington, Ky." and a deed dated March 4, 1903 between
William J. Calvert of St. Louis, Mo. and Rebecca- . Calvert
of eexington, Ky., contract between Carey-Reed   ompany and
University for work done on campus lake.

     By unanimous vote, this motion passed.

     President Barker renorted that the di-olomas which the
Board at a recent meeting voted sho-uld be changed as to
the name of the University, had been made out with the cor-
rection incorporated and would go forward to the 1916 grad-
uates at once.

     Mr. Brown brought un the matter of the shortage of the
cafeteria which was renorted to am-o-ant to $90.00 in the
last six weeks.   resident Barker stated that he had arrang-
ed with Mrs. Judy, the manager of the cafeteria that she
should get nothing for serviztg the meals to the students
unless excess of income over outlay justified it. President
Barker then reported thatle he fouand th& net loss un to
October 31 wae $147.90.   resident 0arker renorted that the
universal comment was and his own o servatien had been,
that the food was good and wholesome, well served and the
students met at the oateria and had their meals under sat-
isfactory moral surroundings. He said that in his Judgment,
the loas could not have been orevented by Mrs. Judy.

     Mr. McKee asked why, If meals were wholesome and the
conditions happy, the boys did not natronize the Eafeteria.
President Barker said, "I donnot know, I rresume it is be-
cause they know we want them to."

Mr. Stoll- ""hat recommendation do you maks,   resident Barker?

President 4arker- "I am a loss to make any.   Food stuff is
twice as high as it was a year ago and the pronosition io
really a difficult one. I confess that I am disannointed
and chagrined at the outcome."

Mr. Stoll- "I do not t ink the University has a right to