with the view of ascertaininfg whether it can be conducted
longer witho-ut loss, but th, t., if at that time these losses
continue, then the service be susnended.   Seconded by  r.
fLpock, the notion carried by -unanimous vote.

     President Barker re orte". that arnlicant send names
of others suggested for irector of the ExcTeriment Station
include the following men:

C.C. Hedges- Department of G'hemistry and Q'henmcal tung-
             Gollqge Station, Texas.
Dr. J.N. Harner- 54lemson Ag. College, Clemson  ollege, S.C.
Dr. G.K. ffrancis- Oklahoma Ag. & Mech. Collegs
                  Stillwater, Oklahoma.
RI.M. Allen-WVard Baking G o. - New York. N.Y.
J.H. Shelnerd- N.D. Agric. Gollege
C.T.  hristie- Denartment of Ag.Extension, Purdue Univ.
               Laiayette. Inikiana
J.J. Hoocer- Lexington, Ky.
Dr. Fred Mutchler- ,exington, Ky.
Prof. E.S. (ood- Lexington. Ky.
J.A. Yates- State Manual Training School, Pittsburgh. Kansa8.
L.Junius L7esha- Memphis, 5'enn.

     President Barker excolgined that some of these were
applicants and some had merely been recommended.

     Ur. Stoll made a motion that the Board elect a Board
of voatrol for 'atterson Hall as the law requires, one
woman to serve for the long term, one for the next longest
term and one for the short term.   Mr. Johnston seconded
this motion, which carried unanimously.

     Mr. Stoll then nominated fVV this   oard,  re. Eliza-
beth King 6mith for the longest term, ,rs. A.M. Harrison
for the next longest berm and Mrs. S.   ftarbison. for the
short term. Mr. lacgee, seconded the Inomination which
carried unanimously.   Xhe Secretary was ordered to notify
each of the accointees of their selection and ask them
to be good enough to meet President Barker at their earliest
convenience and discuss with him the work of the Board.

      he funeral accouhf of Mr. RA, Milligan for $172.25.
which had been pres-nted to the board, was referred to the
Th-siness, Agent with instruction to gee If action had not
already been taken by the hoard In this matter and so re-
port at the next meeting of the oard.

     At this point, Mr. Stoll moved and the motion carried
that the body go into executive session.

     Dean pro temr George 'oberts, College of Agriculture,
submitted a report and asked for action.   }n this renort
he indicated that the finances of the college showed that
he wan overdra,.wn approximately on general exnense, about
$125.00 and requested that an allowance be made to cover
this amount and that $300.00 additional to cover contingen-
cies as they may arise.