y ]\rL’7Lii’l(l'd';I] .-’lgz·_1Yr~uZt2z1·aZ‘ EQJ[}07"I)7ZrU}i~t Station xiv  
)f_ I of this division during the past year has been mainly a continuation  
»[S_ of the work begun in former years. Much of the Work of this  
OO division must necessarily extend througlia number of years before ?
be U I definite results can be obtained.  
“The test of connnercial fertilizers and other experiments on ,
ng our leading crops, as planned by yourself, has been continued.  
HS "'l`he work of this division has included experiments with varie- ` 
nd ties and multifarious field tests of corn, wheat, tobacco, and hemp.  
Experiments with cow peas, alfalfa, oats and co-operative experi-  
Gd ments with sugar ,beets and wheat.  
H, "During the year the writer has attended a number of Farmers’  
an Institutes held in the State by the Commissioner of Agriculture, ;
he and also had charge of the installation of the Kentucky Agricultural A
Hg Exhibit at the St. Louis Fair,"  
m' Prof. May, in charge of Animal{Husbandry, resigned in June.
he His place has not yet been filled. The work, however, in the dairy .
mi line has been continued directly under my charge by Mr. Nutter, I
[its the assistant in dairying. .  
AS ‘ — _ g
zhe During the year 630 analyses of fertilizers were made. Forty-
as, four manul'a<·turers were authorized to sell fertilizers in the State V
np and tags for 366 brands were issued. There were 636.281 tags I
ith printed and sent to the various firms during the year. The fer-
Jts tilizer fees for the year amounted to $17,535.80, being at little less
ith than for 1903, which amounted to $17.782.50. For 1902 we col-
ied lected $95.3:%1.50 for fertilizer fees. This makes a shortage of ,
Jer `over $15.(l00.00 in the last two years, a shortage which was not  
expected at the time the Experiment Station was planned and ap-  
1d- I propriatious were made for its erection. Up to Hay 1 of this year,  
$8.615.00 have been collected for such fees. This is a little in g
excess of last year’s fees up to that time, which amounted to E
$8,514.00, but considerably short of the spring trade two years  
wk previous. which amounted to $11267.50.