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 . i .· `  
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 ._·` Q 202 Index  
  In   ’ . . M    
 , " ~ Prussian Queen (Jersey), analyses of butter of ................... 175 gtsgg »__.  
i { * Publieatiogs of the Station in 1904 ................................... xm    
_' _ _ - Ramsey, . R. .................. . .................................. iv   _`,_ Ly.; ¥»’  
: ;· __ ' Report of the Auditing Committee ............. ‘ ...................... yi   Qfgj; `,_V
 H " Report of the Director ........ _ .......... . ............................ A viii ;J,,i_i`·,
‘· . "._` Sal Bordeaux. analysis of ................................,........... 176 Big"-`;j;;j
'. .| Sallee, J. K. P., analysis of mineral water from ..................... 185 wl-LW">··~T.,
`_ I · Scherffius, W. H., v, viii, xii; analyses of wheat by .................- 8   :;*,5.5
· ,· ' Scherffius, W. H., Scovell, M. A., and Curtis, H,.E., analyses of - ·  Q·;;._-_.g¤
  ·" commercial fertilizers by ................................... 87-171  
, .   Scovell, M. A. .,................... . ................................. iii, v   "_-ig.
i ` , Scovell, M. A., Curtis, H. E., and Scherffius, W. H., analyses of' 3  -j -_vi. V
1 · ~ l Ocommereial fertilizers by ...............   . . . .............. 87-171 , j, 2 1;*;
` ` ` Shedd, . M., ....................... . ............................... viii, xii e ,j_—x_< ji;
  " Shobe, W. M. .................. . .................................... xiii _ ·  
{ ~' ,‘ Simpson County, analysis of mineral water from ..................... 191 ‘ _ ·  
[ , , Southern cabbage moth ....... . .......... . .......................... 27  
g ~ ,’ _ Spotted cucumber beetle ............... . .... . ...................... . 39 . ·‘ , 4,
g » · Stout, R. L. ........................ . .............................. ,. iv ·   .,—, V
{ ..   Sugar beets, analyses of ............... . ............................ 175 .. _ .
1 * ` i Systena blanda ..................... .. ................. . ............. 38 _ V , 3
{ Taylor County, analyses of mineral waters from . .................... .192 - , 5
 `· · Thompson, VV. W., analysis of mineral water from .................. 179 · . .
 r ` ' . Thrips tabaci ........................ . ............... . .............. 46 _ ·· i
‘   Tiger moth ........................ . ..... . .......................... 33 ,_ `
i V I · i Tobacco powder, analysis of ............................. . ..... . ..... 176 ·, .—  
l `_ Toe YVater. F. R., analyses of mineral water from .................. 181, 182
p `   Tr<·o—crickc~ts cut the skins of fruit at night ....... . ................ 64 Q ··
j Trimble, J. G., analysis of mineral Water from ...................... 189
~ ,‘ V Trustees of the A. & M. College .................................... iv
*· Turnip leaf-miner ..................... . ............ . ....r , .......... 44 _ C
. I U. S. Appropriation account .................. . ...................... vi _ ·
" ~ Valuation of commercial fertilizers ............ .. ..... . ............ 95
i ’ Variegated cutworm .................. . ............................ . 34 .
·. , YVarren County, analyses of mineral waters from . ................. 193
'~ ’ YVatson, E. C., analysis of mineral water from   ..... . ............. 191  
. · Y\'heat, analyses of ..................... . ............................ 9-12 _
~ ·— _· device for testing hardness ............... . ................. 8 .
. ` early varieties more nitrogenous than the late ............... 7 _
' ¤ · iicld test of varieties, Bulletin 115 ............................ 15
tlinty kernels are the more nitrogenous ..................... 4
. larger kernels more nitrogenous than the small ............ 5 `
` method suggested for selecting seed ....... . ..,.. , ........... 7
. notes and descriptions of varieties ...l...................... 54
· ' properties of flinty and starohy kernels ................... 3-7
5 i protein content of the kernel ............... . .............. 3
l ·,· · \Nheeler, VV. R., analysis of mineral water from- .......,,..... ‘ ...... 185
{ ‘ ¥Vliite miller .......,....... ....` ..................................... 34
g Vlfhitley County. analysis of mineral water from .................... 193
l . \"Vilson. Dr. J. XV., analysis of mineral water from ................. 180
’ \Vood ashes, analysis of .................. . ............. . ...... ’ ..... 175
5 Yale Oil Co., analysis of petroleum from .........,...............   178
I ` Yates, Dr. ll. NY., analysis of mineral water from .................. 188
l , Yellow woolly bear .................. . ............................... 33
{ Zebra caterpilla ............... . ..... . ............................... 31
Q. T · .
} `