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  ‘   ..    A W; 1
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ll. On an Injury to Fruits by Insects and Birds. 71.      
l` I t  
3   dance was in heaps of decaying vegetable matter kept for use t    
L. l in the Vivarium, near which the stands were placed. Carniolans      
l- on my home place have never been disturbed in this way. The .    
; I habit. is new to me, and T do not now; recollect having seen men— ` `·    
)   tion made of it in bee or other entomological literature. The-   Y  
_   green June bug is eertainlyvcapable of becoming a very annoying ` ,    
3   enemy ol' the honey bee, and li doubt not, would, it thc bees re— ·  
i ceived no help. succeed at times in reaching thc stores. _  
_   I)cscri`p/z'ongJl`lie eggs are pure white, moderately glossy t'  
l and smooth. spherical-ingeneral shape, t.he ends being rounded.    
I Length. 0.09 ; -shorter dimension, 0.08 inch. ..  
  The grubs when`lIully grown and outstretched, as in creeping  
  about. measure two inches or a little more in length, and at the `  
[ thickest place near the hind extremity are about one-half inch in r V  
[ diameter. 'I`Iie_v—.are whitish, with deep brown head, the antennae  
and legs paler brown. There is fl brown area 011 Gz1Cl1 Sitlé of tl1G ,_ `  
[ tirst. segment behind the head. The body is everywhere clothed .  
l' with short. brown hairs and is deeply wrinkled erosswise in con- "  
t stanti pattern. . _ ,    
  _ \\`hen ready to pupate t.hc larval skin is moultcd and the I  
l pupa is tlisclosed‘witli much the general shape ol` the adult, but is ·  
  much shorter than the grub. l’up;e are less than an inch i11 ·  
l length (an example measures 0.88 inch), and just about half an i  
i meh in greatest. width. The body is somewhat tlattencd from  
l above downward, the head with an upwardly projecting, squarish  
l pieee at the tront. margin, and a mallet-shaped elevation on the ‘  
  cl`ront. Body widest. through thethoraeic region. Wings and  
  legs directed downward and backward, the hind pair ot legs over- `  
l lapped by the wings. Abdomen with a series ot rounded tuber- f 
  eles along each side above. Whitish at lirst, becoming darlqer 6  
  as the time for yielding the adult. approaches. t 4  ly
; .\dults when tully mature are generally ot a deep velvety  V  
green color above, with the margins of thc thorax and wing cov- f  
l ¤‘1‘S yellowish brown. lnnnature examples are more brownisli,  
  and some individuals when mature retain a good deal of brown  
i on the middle of the wing covers. This is especially true of