Frcc and Acccptcd Masons, Ficlds Lodgc·#852 (Continued)
_ Gcmmittccs: Ncnc rcpartcd. , _ V   I   ` A v
A _ Purpcsc: iCharitablc and fraternal; l . ., ;~
Ngrnalugiyicalqtiyiticiz raiding in thc_support of Masonic Homes. V
`P D9£ER§Pl§£liYi§%9i; EEE§?§§FCd in Auxiliary Fire Protcction, _ .~Y rt
Local Publications: Nonc. .
‘ "I FREE AND ACCEPTED MQSOHS, HARLAN LQDGE_#879¤(Grand Lodgc cf Kcntucky, FQ & A.`
g, ·? l_M.), c/o R. W,‘Frauc,_Cumbcrland Avcnuo, Harlan. Fcundcd l9l5. Master, C. W.
Q- ‘ Dcnham, Harlan.' Tclcphcnc 287. Sccrotary, R. W. Framc. Tclophono 5l6.‘Torms
pp cxpiro Dcccmbor, 1942. _ Z *
{ Nbmbcrshiptw 198. Qualificatiqns, must bc`whitc, El years cr cvcr, sound in
_§ mind and body. Bclicvc in a Suprcmc Boing.
E Ccmmittocs: Nonc rcpcrtod.
{E Purposo· Fraternal and charitablo, .
A2 Nurmal Civic Activitics: Assists in maintcnanccpcf°hcrms for tho agcd and
fp orphans. L ,_, "
” Dcfonsc Activitics: Training for Auxiliary Pzlicc, Lyspital and Clinical 4
] Assistanco, Scwing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, First uid, Radio
Q Operation and Rcpair, Entcrtainucnt, Discussl a Loaders, Public Spcaking,
: `§ Tcaching Amoricanizaticn Clasvss for Alions wud Ct%nrs_ Urafting, Typing and
Vip  Other Clcrical assistsnccs
In Local Publications: Nonc.
4 GIRL SCOUTS OF CUVBERLAND (Natiinal Girl Scouts of Lrorical, c/o Nrs.`D. MLL _
_; Ficlds, Box‘#5l8, Cumborland, Ffundcd l@SU. Scorctary, lks.`Waco`Waltcrs,
Q lbin Strcct,`Cumbcrland, Tclcphcno 45~J. Director, lhs, D. N. Ficlds.
_; T©l€phonc 92, Terms indcfinito, ` J ‘, ~ ‘ P
' ¥E Mbmbcrshipz 60. Opcn to girls 7 to l8 ycars cf ago intcrcstcd.in personal
K.), _; and community dcvolopmcnt. ,‘ -
Q Ccmmittccsé Council, lbs. D. D. Ficlds, Cumpcrland;_Exccutivc Ccuncil,'lks.
Q C. E. Ball, Harlan. _ _ - ' “ `
§ Purposo:' To prcvidc training in heme making and prigrams for outdoor r0—
§— Creation, safety, hoalth and chnractcr building.