..2.. A
B'¤ai Shelom Sisterhood (Continued) Q B
Committees: Executive, Hrs. Fred Friedmen, Harlan. TU
Purpose: To assist in raising money for the support of the Temple and charities. _
———————~— Mo
. . . . . A . . . . . to
Normal Civic Activities: Ceoperates with all service clubs in their charity _ Qi
‘ . . . T . . ,.. . . . . Di
Defense Activities: interested in Ambulance Service, nospital and Clinical §%
Assistance, Sewing and Preparation of Surgical Dressings, Red Cross Assisttnce, R
. . . . 1 . . . . . e
First Aid, Preparation and Serving of Feed, Operation of Cantoons, Child Care, _
Collection of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, Entertainmrnt, Teaching Literacy L
1 . , a . .»... , . . e
Classes lor Aliens and Others Teachin: nnericanization Classes for Aliens and _ M-
3 -
Others, Research Assistance, Typing and Other Clerical Assistance, Interviewing. _
. . M eq BU
Local Publications: none. Hg
-. V Te
. ’ » ’ Nb
Anwrica),'c/o C. Hr Copeland, QOS Surgener avenue, jarlan. Founded 1929. i E;
President, C. O. Hoskins, 206 Cumberland Avenue, Harlan. Assistant‘Sceut U “
Executive, C. H. Copeland. Telephone 8l2#N, Terms expire December, 1942. , CC
I . . . _ . F .. .-  
Membership: e75 boys, e75 men. Open to uoys not under ls years oi age able to a Or
pass scout tests and requirements and adults who are outstanding citizens of ` L
_ their community. T DL
. » . ,. . -. . ~. ..,. .,   . . EE
Cenmittees: Organization, E. T..iicks; Camping, r. r. Caweod; nealth and ·
Safety, Dr. L. C. Hoskins; Advancehent, Rev, Martin J. Andrews; Finance, L. C. 3 N
. - . . n -- l <
Henderson, all of Harlan; Training, E. n, dorsworthy, Loyall, H-
` . . . . . . . l D<
Purpose: Character building and citizenship training. 7;
- . . . . . . .. t . . . . ·. , ~ O
Normal Qrvic Activities: Training for hed Cross Assistance, First aid.
Interested in Anbulance Eurwlee, J ilrcticn of Scrap Metals and Other Metals, " L(
Library1Service, Signal Strvicee. . ~.
p Qefense Activities: Training for Red Cross Assistance, First Aid.“ Interested m
in Amoulance Service, Collection of Mcrap tktals and Other Metals, Library ' T
Scrvice, Signal Services. ii
. . { T C1
Local Publications: annual Report. ‘
‘,.  TT
BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA, TROOF #98 (Natitnal Bay Scouts of America), q/0 Bert U
' ‘ ' O f .· ,_ . ~._j _ — if . — ·
O. Fields, loin street, Cumberland. ·?eunded l9e5. President, Joe Isaacs, P
"·l`v r`· ~~> '~ ~. ». ’? ' ····  ‘ ..
main Street, Cuxierland. Telephone ee. Sceutuaster, Bert O. Fields. Terms 3 m
expire" December, 1942. rg
., ,_ . Q . .. . T C
nengaijnnmlr c6, Open te boys lp years of age and over who can pass the tender- ? T
feet test as required of National Organization. O T N
Committees: Local, J. E. Isaacs, Cumberland, _`