for the band.  iie assures vie that he has a most abundant Su!,nly
of musical talent among the freshmen and sonhomores, and if he
can get the proper instruments, he will be able to turn out a
splendid military band of about thirty nieces.   I need not
point out to you the necessity of having a r'ood band. In the
latter part of the year, w6 will doubtless be called to Frank-
fort to participate in the inauguration of a new governor.
he should be able to make a splendid showing at that time. but
this connot be done unless we have a first rate cadet band.

     You will have before you the renort of the various deans,
which will contain such suggestions and requests as they de-
sire to make.

       have, on my table, a claim of Mr. A.B. Rankin, a last
year's student, who claims that he has not received all of his
traveling expenses. He lives in the County of Wayne. about
twenty miles from a railroad. and was forced to lake an auto-
mobile to get to the train to reach Lexington.    he round trip
for the automobile was three dollars ($3.00), but this has not
been allowed him, Mr, Howel nLavies, our auditor, feeling that
the students should be limited to their railroad expenses.
I do not agree with Mr. Dalvies in his construction of the law,
and therefore, submit the question to you, who are mostly law-
yers and better Judges of the proper construction to be given
the charter than I.

                             Very resnectfully submitted,

                             (signe&) H. S.barker. lresident.

Presidgnt lenry i.  arker,
State  nivereilty of Kentucky.

Dear Sir:

   M I hand you herewith, the monthly renort from the College
of Mechanical and Ilectrical .'ngineering. All the class work
began at the day set for the beginning of the fall term; namely
wVednesday, September 5th.

     The matriculated in the various classes are as follows:

                   Freshman ......... 63
                   Sophomores ....... 65
                   Juniors .......... 28
                   Seniors.     .    23
                   Post Graduates..1 .2..2
making a total of.201

      here were only five of the freshmen who did not have the
full fifteen units of credit and in these cases there was only
one unit lacking.   ccording to the rule of the institution,
freshmen are admitted if they have thirteen credits, but those
freshmen who took up mechanical and electrical engineering this
year, are prepared in accordance with the standards of the older
technical schools. With such a well prepared freshmen class,
we will be able to give a training equal to the best teohials