We have extended the period of our shop work for two days
of the week, from 4hree-thirty to five-thirty P.M. there have
been so many encroachments upon the shop Deriods we have found
It necessary, to keep u. the standards of our shon work, to
add four more hours each week to the regular schedule.

     On Wednesday of each week, at the fourth hour. we have
introdueed for the senior mechanical and electrical engineers,
a special course of lectures in english which will be given by
Dean Mackensle. Last year Dean Mackensie gave elight lectures
to the seniors but this year, the lectures will extend through-
out the year.   e feel that every effort should be made to give
the matriculate in the College of -echanical and   ec1.secal En-
gineering as much English training as possible.

                                   Aesnectfully submitted,
                                   (signed) P. Paul Anderson

                                   Dean 0College of Mechanical
                                   and ^1 ectrical Engineering.

Ron.  secutive "ommittee,
State Unigerslty
Lexington, Kentucky

G eutl e men2

     In compliance with your recent order, 1 hereby submit
fro the College of Oivil ringineering the following renort:

         The entire fac-alty of the 6iollege of  ivil Xngineer-
ing was employed during the vacation in Surveyfng, Ronstruct-
ing, or Insnecting 5tate #id 'oads in various parts of the

     As D1iviion Lngineer, I had charge of the work in the
following counties: Air, Cumberland, Casey, Barren, Monroe,
Pulaske, aussell, s"etcalfe and Groee.

     Professor Aerrell made all of the tests Itf Stone. Cement,
Gravel and other materials used in State Aid oads, and also
assisted in lookinp after several counties in the central nor-
tion of the State,

     Professor Carrel was emnloyed in the Bridge Denartment of
the state Highway Denartment at Frahkfort.

     During the summer, I have had ocasaion to travel over a
good portion of the Statse and there is a prowing desire to have
the 5tat Eighway Department nlaced under the direction of the
College of ivil and lignway Engineering at the 5tate University.
Of course I id not discourage this arrangement in the least
for this was the original scheme.

L11borat Kriesm  oleef
            The ollvge of ivil ngineering how has well equiopped
laboratories for tesoing oaiing Raterials, stone, cement, asphalt
and oils and hopes to be able to get equinment suitable for test-
ing bridge materials In the near future.