       Frofessor D.lV  Terrell was ordinarily entitled to a
$100.00 raise in salary this year.   his raise was not granted
and now I request that $100.00 from the equitment fund from the
budget of the f'ollege of ,,iti-l ngineering, be transferred to
the salary fund, and 'rofessor  errell' s salary be raised from
$1700.00 to P1800.00.

Mat rigulter.s    ."              'sgneig          ssih
             The  ollege of civil  n&;teering has           i n-ight In-
crease in its matriculation this year, there being five or six
more freshmen than usual, and several anderclassmen from other

             Our boys dormitories are in my oninion noorly
eaui ned with fire escanes.   e have been fortunate in the nast,
and   feel that all existinp fire excanes should be tested, and
Drovisions made for additional escanes.   A good rone oroperly
fastened in a student a room would answer the 'ournose.

                               Very resnectfully submitted,

                               ( $ipns&) 4alter f. Row;,
                               Dean  oll0ege of t"ivil  ngineering

To the  xecoutive  ommittee;-


     I submlit the followinf brief report of the (;olV ege of
Arts and Science.

     The total enrollment to date in the   ollege Is 314,   his
is 41 more than kout the same time last year.

     For comoarison by classes I furnish the following tabular
               1914          1915
Snecials         23            20
Freshmen        102            115
6orhouiores      51             79
3uniors          53             45
Seniors                       .4A           -
        'Total  273          314

      he mathematics and German Classes are quite congested
at present, enrecially the latter.   About 300 students are
enrolled in the various1 classes in swdtrn languages, most of
which is German.  We Itave found it imnassibli to rrovide for
all of these in the re.:ular sections, and have to Trovide two
additional ones.   or one of these I have loaned as teacher for
one hour each day, my secretsryl, and for another hour we have
had `o place in charge an undergradua e of GermaB parentage who
spieaks German f:1vently,.  Her name isl ie Marie  ecker.

     Professor "eloher hopes before the semester Is over to
be able to make such combinations as to render uinnecesz'ary
one or two of these sections, but tending this arrangement, I