request that you authori.e the retention of Miss becker with
the com-nensation fo $10.00 per non:h.

                                 Very restectfully,

                                 (Signed) Arthur M. Miller
                                 1ean. College of Arts and 5cience

To the President, and Executive    ommittee
of the utate University,.
Lexington, Kentucky.

Gentl ement-

     I have the bonor to submit the followin!- re-ort regarding2
the work of the ollege of Agriculture and the Exnerinent Station.
The Vollege of AgrIculture onened very ausic ously on Seotem-
ber 13th.  In the  ollega of Agrisculture nroper we have  o date
243 students and in the College of Home Economics, 68. These
are .lassified as follows.:

                 -o- zeg of Agriulture

                   Freshmen ,.0.B
                   ophomores ................ 58
                   Juniors           ..    . 48
                   Seniors........ . .... .o      190
                   1st yr. Two yr. Course ..,. 25
                   2nd yM.  "  if  . R       10
                   Specials....      .18          i
                                                  243    243

               Hone- Economzics

                   Freshmen. . . .............. 29
                   Sophomores   B..          14
                   Junior. e..            I. 6
                   Seniors.............. e            55
                   Short Course ............. 6
                   specials ..............7... 7
                                    TOTAL   .     ...        68

                                    GRAND TOTAL .......... 311
An increase of 24 students ifver last year at this date.       e
are now handling a greater   iimber of students in the College
of Agriculture and in the Department of 1Home eonoilcs than we
havo adequate facilitbes for.   Anong this large number of stu-
dents we have many capable and earnest young men and women who
are obtainiyl- an education here in the face of the greatest

     The work of the E -meriment Station is Proggpeaving satis-
factorily.   ince my last annual renort to the   resident of the
date of May 18, 1915, we have nublished one annual renort
(1913), five bulletins.,  ix eirculars, ten prens bulletins and
four articles In scientific journals, embodying the results of
Exoeriment 6tation work.   Ae have in orese one annual report