(1914). four circular  and threo  articles Ln scientific journal*.
Bulletin  191 exoecially has attracted a great deal of atten-
tion and has been the subject of nuch favorable comment on the
nart of progre- sive and up-to-date farmers throuphout the State
and Bulletin 193 Is a Valhable cantrtbtioun to the chemiotry
of rerresentative "entuaky soils.   he following is a list of
the title of these publications:

191  Ohat the "entuacky Agricultural ixzoeriment Ztation
     Teaches in regard to soil fertility.   George  oberte.
     May 1915.
192. Qarbonated eoxverages.  Allen, LaBach, Brown. Rinnell.
     July, 1915.
193. Soils of KEntaeky.  s.D. ""veritt. July, 1915
194. Sols of Graves Cznnty. t. C. Jones. July, 1915
195. Soil2 of FQranklin ouittty.  S. C. Jones. July. 1915.

  Ojrglar&- ],xioarlmgat Statiao 'Igrlls
33  Poultry  slaisng in 1'entucky.  J.3. Hooper & D.D. blade.
35. Alfalfa.. T. J. Bryant.
36 Poultry ouse Construction. D.D.blade

$Scienti fc P~r

Comnalement Fixation In Ho. 1,holera.  D.J. Nealy end  V.
    3imith. (Journ. InfeOlioBg ;"is. Yol. 17. Mo l, 3July, 1915)
Some important Ccnstituents in the   rult of the iseape -'range.
    J. S. Mcar.ue.   (journ. hndus. & ir. 'heye Vol. 7, Wo. ?*
    July 1915.)
Phe -.1sno-cid Content of Gertain Coammercial !?eedinr ;;tuffs and
    other sources of Protein. B. ! . Nollau. ( journ. Bio-
    logic;.l hem. July, 1915.)
A nromat. and"Efficlent -'enedy for Clover Bleat. D. J. Hlealy
    and J. W. Niutter. Trreederst Glazette, t1ly, 1915)

In Run         Annual roe'nrt for 1914

Circulars - 'xoerinent "aton     eries.
No. 6 Inexpensive Applliances and Utensils for the Dairy.
       W. D. Sicholli.
No. 7 Blackhead in   urkeys.  Grahan and Himiselberger.
No. 8  A 5tudy of 4tem aot of Qlover and Alfalfa an a cause
       of Clove sicknesse .  1.  yer and A. ii. 4ilbert.

Circulars -   Zqention  srles.
No. 34  5simle  ookinp Aeci-te.   Mary S. Sweeney.

Scientific ?apera. 2he feeding of young chicks n grain
        ulatures of HIlh and Low Lysnoe tontent.
         3 3Buckner. M.U. lHollau and t.11. Kastle.

To the President and Axecative ComUittge -?

     1he l'ranelocstlon of the Mineral 6onetituonts of the