Best Copy Available


Tuesday, November 25, 1930

Observed Thursday
GIVES PROGRAM Thanksgiving day in Knoxville
Phi Hela Presents Program
hi vesper service in memorial Hall; German Numbers Featured

The University of Kentucky band, 90 strong, with attractive Miss Virginia Dougherty, sponsor, comprising
the "Best Band in Dixie," will be on board the Wildcat Special when it pulls out of the Southern station
Wednesday night, bound for Tennessee. The same band, resplendent with Us iwo drum majors, that paraded
before a homecoming crowded stadium with such success, will delight the eyes and ears of those attending
game. Two weeks' practice has given the band a new set of formations even more
the Kentucky-Tennessintricate and daxzling than those used at the Alabama game, and it is almost certain that the "Big Blue
Band" will be at its best for the Thanksgiving game.
Vicing for honors with Kentucky's band will be that of Tennessee, a band almost as large. There has
zeen intense rivalry between the two musical organizations in past years and an even keener competition Is
ability of the horn tooters, but also in the beauty
expected this year. Not only in the actual musical-makin- g
of the two sponsors does strong rivalry exist.

The fourth international debate.
within the last five years, on the
subject "The Emergence of Woman
from the Home is a Regrettable
Feature of Modern Life." was held
in Memorial hall Saturday night
before a fairly large crowd of In
tellectuals, near intellectuals, and
no intellectuals.
Such a subject is fraught with all
kinds of pitfalls and difficulties. It
can only be a matter of individual
preference and depends upon the
temperament of each person, consequently a debate upon such a subject resolved Itself into opinions,
came from
which unfortunately
such unauthoritative sources as to
be worth little If anything.
We have always had our pet
theories as to the various constituents of women, and the courses of
some of their Incomprenensibles,
but It remained for Mr. Jackson
to inform us that woman is a composite of calcium salts, and many
other equally obnoxious things. In
fact when he got through with the
fair sex. he made it resemble the
waffles concocted by the Ingenuity
or Eddie cantor.
Another surprising feature of the
evening, which we expected to find
present, was the absence of any
mention whatever of Solomon, who,
should undoubtedly have been able
to give some sidelights which even
sociologists have overlooked, or by
their inexperience, have failed to
note. We went home, read the


Proverbs of that ancient sage and
found that he made not more than
a dozen references to women, and
then mostly in an illustrative
The inference naturally thrusts
Itself upon us that either they had
Solomon completely fooled, ana ne

realized it, or he thought them so
stupid and inconsequential as not
to be worth the trouble or mention.
It is singular that Anatole France,
the modern sage, made a study of
them, and died as completely baffled as he was when he undertook
the task. It was with no disappointment then, that we came away
from Memorial hall as ignorant as
ever, with the firm opinion that
tney are pleasing, infinitely sweet,
but dangerous.
The debate coach at the univer
sity is a most affabe man. He has
probably done more good for the
students, in awakening them from
their rustic complacency than any
other instructor upon the campus,
but he indicts almost everything on
the ground that It Is a product of
Such an indictment was made concerning the emergence of women
from the home. We have no retorts
to make and no arguments in favor
of our present society, but this, we
have observed, and that is the fact,
that there is one in this universe
which is organized on a theory
directly contrary to that of this
country, and that state is communistic Russia, where, more (we
might say) than anywhere else, are
women urged to leave their homes,
and send their children to be cared
for by a government nurse.
The conclusion that if the present
state of affairs is perpetuated, or
at least continued, woman will cease
to be interesting and will take on
the sickening air of the





Mrs. Carrie Bean, postmistress of
the university, announced yesterday
that there are several registered
letters in the student mail boxes.
Students are urged to cooperate with
the post office authorities by taking
the mall from their boxes.


Wildcats Prepare to
Invade Tennessee

Knnpa Chanter of Phi Beta, musi
cal fraternity gave a program of
German music at the vesper ser
vices, Sunday, Novcmbr 23. Solo
and ensemble work, both instrumental and vocal were presented.
This was the second program of
German music of the month.
Dr. Sidney Durst of the College
of Music, Cincinnati, Ohio, gave an
organ recital Sunday, playing en
tirely from the German composers.
Dr. Durst is well known here, having presented several programs last
year. He will give three more organ recitals this season.
Sunday's nroRram:
Organ Toccata and Fugue in D
Minor Bach, Dr. A. W. Kelley
German Composers, Miss Mary xxni

Double Quartette 1. Cradle Son- gBrahms; 2. Ave Maria Brahms
Harp Solos 1. Mazurka Schere-uche- r;
2. Waltz in A Flat Brahms,
Miss Mary Ann O'Brian
Double Quartette 1. Gypsy
2. Seraphic Song

will ngaln sec the renewal of an
ancient and time honored custom
which as usual will take place during the half of the Turkey Day
game with the Volunteers.
custom known ns the "keg" cere
mony has been rather vague to
the students of the university in the
last three or four years but William
Young and Vernon Chandler, SuKy
to Knoxville who
will work in cooperation with the
Beaver Club, vow and declare that
they are going to bring the "keg"
back to the Blue Grass.
Last year a ceremony was held
in McLean Stadium during the half
of that surprising and tragic game
with the 1929 edition of the VolunKentucky's representatives
had the keg practically home when
The game
oh. you remember.
ended in the annual tie and the
keg went back to the mountains.
SuKy is helping to finance the
band to Knoxville and also to send
cheer leaders enough to instill pep
in the Kentucky rooters. All the
Stascats in the Shield-Watkidium are sold and a crowd of 25,000
are expected to see Kentucky's band
and team strut their stuff on
Thanksgiving Day.


The Kernel
Do Yiour


Debaters Discuss
Woman Question

The Kernel Print Shop is so
equipped that it can take care
of all kinds of printing, dance
bids, posters, stationery, etc.
Call or bring your work and
let us give you an estimate.

Pledging exercises of Phi Mu Alpha, honorary men's musical fraternity
(Continued from Page One)
Organ Wierner Blut Strauss, Dr.
(Continued from Page One)
A. W. Kelley
of the system as a whole," Mr.
The double quartette: Eunice
py" Forquer, "Dusty" Williams, Denton, Mollie M. Offutt, Emily
The gentlemen from England
"Bernacle Bill' Colker, Connie Rose, Hardin, and Loretta Bltterman.
were primarily interested in enterCary Spicer, Jake Bronston, "Primo"
taining and amusing the audience.
Baughman, Tony Gentile, Lawrence
Tributes were paid to the hospitality of the university and of the peo
"Big" McGlnnis, Otho McElroy, Good-Wi- ll
ple of Lexington by the Cambridge
Louie Toth, and Ollie Johnson.
debaters. Mr. oatridge aescnoea
Of this number, six have played
all women as being stupid and selfish.
in every game this season, and the
It Is impossible to forget the In rebuttal Mr. Jackson said that
other six have seen action. Coach wave of
which swept
Harry Gamage will see that each over Central and Eastern Europe in he regretted the present order and
that as a feature of this order the
has his last chance to fight for Ken- the winter of 1929... It is partlcu emergence of woman was regrettaularly significant that everywhere It ble.
Kentucky will be In excellent began in the university, and attainThe Cambridge representatives
among students its greatest vio- left Lexington Sunday afternoon
physical condition. Indications are ed
Jewish professors were at- and appeared in a debate against
that every man on the squad will be tacked, Jewish students were chased Murray State Teachers College, at
able to play all or part of the game. from the lecture rooms, pursued in Murray, Kentucky, Monday evening.
And every man on the Wildcat roll thfi corridors, often thrown in the From Murray they will go to MemRectors were obliged to close
call believes Kentucky will defeat street. universities and to suspend! phis, Tennessee.
thf classes. The nolice took severe
Three special trains and a horde measures to
calm and
of automobiles will carry Kentucky Ministers of Education condemned
rooters to Knoxville. University offi- in snpclal circulars the Dart clayed
cials have declared Friday a holiday in these riots by the students and
Several members of the Training
In order that students may have by some professors.
School faculty will go to Richmond,
ample time to make the trip.
Friday and Saturday to attend the
In order to rout tnis anu-semrFew Kentuckians, outside of the feeling by tracing it to its source, Central Kentucky Educational Asso
university, think the Wildcats will the International Student Service ciation convention to be held at
defeat the Volunteers. They have has Keen collaborating with the Eastern Teachers College.
Among the university men who
an almost unorthodox belief that principal
Kentucky always has a better Jewish, Christian ana neutrai. in will be on the program are:
chance to lose than win when 1928, the L S. S. organized a con- Frank L. McVey, Dean Taylor, Dr.
May. Dr.
Tennessee is the foe. Equally unference at Bierville. of Jewish and Henry H. Hill, Prof. J. N.
orthodox is the belief on the part Christian students to study the Jew McHenry Rhodes, Prof. M. E. Llgon
of Kentucky students that Tennesish problem in the university... a and Prof. J. B. Hollo way.
see can not win.
continuation committee of three members attending are Dr. Jessie
Kentucky's probable lineup with Jews and three Christians was Adams and Dr. C. C. Ross.
weights follow:
Cavana (181) left formed to investigate the questions
end, Kipping (186) left tackle. Rose raised at the conierence ana to, pro'
(187) left guard, Williams (211) cen- pose further steps.
ter, Forquer (203) right guard,
A questionaire was drawn up and
(210) right tackle, Andrews sent to those collaborates in dif
(188) right end, Spicer (167) quarferent universities most likely to he
terback, E. Johnson (170) left half, able to help in the countries interKelly (170) right half, T. Phipps ested. Visits were made and con-tat- ts
(177) fullback.
ostnhiished in Germanv. Aus
band, "the tria, in Hungary, Czechoslovakia,
will be on hand, but Poland and Roumania, ana at uie
best in Dixie,"
Fuzzy, Kentucky's Wildcat mascot, same time the help or proiessors
which watched the last two tie nnri snpclalist was sought both
games, will not be on hand. Fuzzy there and in countries where calm
is dead, having hanged himself by study of the dlfficuiues is easier.
the chain which held him prisoner One result of historical research
as to the reasons of the present
at the beginning of the football
is a book by Mr.
Parkes, I. S. 8. Study Secretary,
entitled "Jews and Antisemite."
Sufficient material has been gathered since the Bierville conference
to warrant a second conference for
the study of the Jewish problem.
It will take place from the 4th to
nth of January at Eocarno. There
will be some forty representatives.
xne program wui iue up parucu-larl- v
the auestion of the Dlace Of
the Jewish Intellectual and above
all, of the Jewish student in the
life of the country in which he

Held by Students


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Football at Kentucky narrowly escaped a serious loss Friday night
when an automobile bearing two
Wildcat stars collided with another
car on South Limestone street. It
became known Saturday afternoon
when Babe Wright reported for
practice suffering from an injury
to his arm. Dick Richards was
with Wright at the time of the accident, but escaped without injury.
Wright's arm is expected to heal by
Thanksgiving Day.
Dr. W. D. Funkhouser has accepted an invitation to be the principal
speaker at the annual dinner of the
Society of Colonial Wars which will
be held tonight at the Queen City
club in Cincinnati.
The subject
of his address will be "The Prehistoric Culture of the Mississippi

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