KENTUCKY UNIVl:ZlllZll`C§_ cost ,...... 1,_;00 00
l):1nville und Nieholusville ,[1lll`Il1)ll{lT, 8 slmres. cost ...... 800 00
Lexington und l"l'il.lll{li()l`l. R. R., 15 bonds, cost ........ :;,000 00
Louisville, Cincinnati, and Lexington R R., 5.1 bonds, cost . . .16,68n 66 -
Kentucky Central R. R , S bonds, cost ............ 8,000 00
Lexington City, 1(iylé bonds. cost . . . ........... 16,500 00
$157,.186 60
1,1 A 1<1;1\L ES`l`.\'1`l£ .-\N1> 1sU11.1>1N0 1¢t::x11.>.
Amount 1:11111//or/wz],june 1st, 187.1 .... . .........   .:1),351 ty;
Amount since eollccted and mainly louned on eull ...... *.:7: 07
. A / I
Amount une0lleeted,_]une 1st, 187; . . . ......... $ .:6,079 86
;\1’1’!\R2\'l`Ll$ l·`l'N1).
1\mount eollcetecl, june 1st, 1871 .............. rtl 2,5..10 73
Deereuse, since that date, by expenses ............ 1 7; _
_ All10\llll,JL\llC lst, 1875 I .................. rtl :,838 1)8
c0L‘1·0N AccoUN’1`.
1\n10nnt 0I` coupons issued to june 1st, 187.1 . . ...... $116,3:; on
. t .\mount redeeniecl to scune date .,............. 7:.900 on
  .·\1nountunrcdeemcd, june 1st, 1871 ............. $173.41; no
Aniount ot` coupons issued to june ist, 187; ......... l‘l*iJ7.1.()7_§ oo
l\Ill()lllll redeemed to szune dute .......... . .... 76,3311 oo
1\lllULllli.LlIll'ULlCClI1CLl, june 1st, 187,; ..... . ....... $1¤)7,7.1g 00
l). 8. (jO()l)L()l€, '1`1<1;1\s1‘1<1;1<.
LliXlN(i`l`<)N, KY., june 8th, 1875.