‘ -
I Amount, june ist, 1875 .................. $215.+12 to
5 Amount ol` imcu//or/eil subscriptions to Endowment Fund, june
7 1st, 1875 ....................... $ 58,257 OS
7 4 No change in either of these amounts has been made during the fiscal
yl lfl t year. '
Q 1Nv1;sTA11iNTs.
I; A1nou11t inyestcd, _[u:1c Ist, 1875 .1............ $157,.186 66 — `
1 No change in tlx: invcstincnts has been inade during thc fiscal year.
1<12A1. ESTATE ANI) 1;c1L1.>1Nt; FUND.
Amount uncollcctcd, june 1st, 1875 . .........,. 95 :6,071) S6
`   Amount since collected and loaned on call .......... 675 S2
Amount uncollectcd june 1st, 1876 ............. $ :5.401 O4
l " ·
~ A1*P1\RATt;s FUND.
I Amount, june mst, 1C$7_§ ................... $:,S5S 9S
il le , . , . .
B0 change has been made 111 tlns fund during the nscal year,
c0t‘1*0N 1’\CCOl'N'I`.
Amount ot coupons issued to june 1st. IS76 ......... Plilgl,5'75 oo
Amount redeemed to same date ............... 79,+50 oo
Amount lIIIl`CLl0€II]L}tl, june 1st, 1976 ............. $:62,145 oo
I 1N11r;1:1`1;1>>112ss To IiNDO\\`)IEN'l` AND AP1·,\1:.1x*1`cs ·1*t?Nns.
Amount ol` Enovc ..,....... $157,436 66
, 1 Dednct Bills Receivable ............ 5,271 19-160.757 S5
  Amount dnc joint Fund ............ ll 57.493 13
." This is duc from tl1e l`0ll()\\'lIIgZ
7 Real Estate a11d Building Fund ............... til .2>§._F,§'j o%
  J\gI'l(`lIllIII`tll and )lecl1ani1tal College ....,....... 15,565 in
I Meclntnieal l)C1)I\l`IIIItJHl. .................. 1;,:041 67
.   hlULllI11\IlC£ll l)epart111ent (G. \V. Yost`s note) ......... 5.00:1 00
, General Expense Account ......... · · · ..... 1,:51 3K
1 \\VIII. ll. Marquam (amount overpaid him) .......... 4 0.1.
Cash on hand ...... . .....,......,... 55 to
.1· - 1 M '
7 » ‘I` .‘i1··l‘).> -.>
` 1). S. GOODLOE, 'I`n121\st‘1<1;1<.
Lnx1N<;‘1‘oN, KY., june 6th, 1876.