W G O VE R N M E N T .
< The general government of the University is vested in the
, Board of Curators, which consists of not less than thirty mem»
5 bers, representing the donors, under the conditions prescribed
in the charter. The delegated and representative powers of
the Corporation are vested in the Regent and the Executive
Committee. I
For purposes of counsel and co-operation in regard to the i
general interests of the University, the Faculties of the several _
Colleges assemble as one body, under the name of the Senate
of the University; but the immediate government of the stu-
· · dents of each College is committed to the Faculty thereof, i
ll ri each student being amenable to the Faculty of that College to i
which he belongs by virtue of his matriculation
The Board of Visitors of the Agricultural and Mechanical
College of Kentucky consists of six members, who are ap-
pointed by the Governor of the State, with the advice and
consent of the Senate of Kentucky, and whose powers and
duties are prescribed in the Act of the General Assembly es-
tablishing this as one ofthe Colleges ofthe University. V
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