xt7ncj87m78p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ncj87m78p/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 12, 1983 1983 1983-04-12 2020 true xt7ncj87m78p section xt7ncj87m78p . I l ,
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, ~' ' \ Imphonohomo
' If A debate featuring two of America's
. foremost authorities on extraterrestrial
‘. 4,". ' . . civilizations will be held at 8 pm. to-
)! 3:» . x 3!) y. W at the student Center Addmon‘s “ "' ’ W
' ’_ 4,... m ”*1 Worsham Theater.Seepage3.
. ,£/'“'3 ‘ ’
‘ , ; 33 1'
Vol. LXXXV, No. 149 Tuesday, April l2, I983 An independent student newspaper University Of Kentucky Lexington, Kentucky
U S to app 0 e comp ter science admissions limit
of setting a minimum GPA require- would be permitted under the pro- grades. According to the amend- flation.as other senators predicted. Under the previous rule. only final
' By SCO'I'I‘WILHOIT ment," Rea said. “What I see will posed amendment. ment. the rationale behind the “This proposal would simply give course letter grades could be ap-
SeniorStaff Writer be students who will simply not de- Senate member Tom Blues, an as- change is to give professors an op- students what they deserve.” Canon pealed.
clare their major in hopes of some- sociate professor of English. ex- portunity to refine their evaluation said. Bill Lacy. academic ombudsman
m -__ ___.__ how worming themselves into the pressed reservations about the ofastudent's performance. Also, the Senate approved an and Senate member, said the
department because they have not amendment. “There is a problem Speaking in favor of the amemd- amended policy for students wishing change was needed. ”In the past.
The University Senate. in its last met the set GPA,“ with the make—up clause of this pro- ment, Rea said the change would to drop or withdraw from a class. students had no recourse if they
meeting of the year. yesterday ap- Graduate school Senator Vincent posal." Blues said. “The problem allow him the chance to award Under the old system. an instructor were not satisfied with a grade on
proved limited admissions for the Yeh, however, favored the change. with English and other writing many of his students for superior may not be informed that a student anassignment."Lacysaid.
computer science department. citing overcrowding in the depart- courses is that the classes are writ- work. has withdrawn or dropped his or her Senate Chairman Donald lvey said
‘ Under the change. students wish- ment. “It is a shame we have to do ing on a daily basis. How can the “Every semester. I sometimes get class. The new policy requires the the change was clear and simple.
* ing to declare themselves computer this,” Yeh said. “We have so many professor adequately provide the students who are do outstanding dean to notify the instructor of the “The proposal gives the student the
science majors must meet several students in the department and the student with the chance to make up work.“ Rea said. “By assigning student‘s action. chance to appeal anything in a
departmental requirements before question becomes should we allow a the work?“ “pluses" to the grades I feel 1 will Taylor objected to the proposal. course." 3
being accepted. These include at lot of students to receive a poor pro- Blues proposed a hypothetical sit- better evaluate their performance.“ saying it would infringe upon stu- The Senate also approved a pre- 7
least 60 semeter hours of course gram (because of overcrowding) or uation in which a student misses Rea, however. voted to send the dents' ability to drop courses. “I be- viously discussed policy prohibiting
study and the College of Arts 8: Sci- just allow those who have (demon- over half a semester unexcused. bill back to committee so that a lieve that. should the instructor be asexual harassment by University
, ence‘s Englishrequirement. strated)academicachievement.“ “Should this happen, will the in— more extensive study could be giventheopportunity to discuss with employees and a selective admis~
3 Also. students must have com- The new limited admissions policy structor be obligated to help the stu- made. the dean the student‘s desire. it sions policy for the department of
j: pleted the lower division require— will takeeffectthisfall. dent makeupall themissedwork'?" “We need to decide if we want to would bias the dean's decision,“ Allied Health Education.
‘3‘ ments of the computer science de- In other action, the Senate sent Arts & Sciences Senator Phil Tay- give “pluses" and “minuses” to all Taylor said. In addition, the Senate amended
It partment with a minimum GPA of back to committee a "poorly lor. however, pointed out that the the letter grades." he said. “We also But senators whO voted t01” the the procedure by which an instruc-
:; 2.5. Students with a minimum GPA worded" amendment to the Univer- hypothetical student would have the need to determine the numerical measure said it Will allow a dean t0 tor is allowed to formally charge a
; of 3.0 in the lower division classes sity’s class attendence policy. Under option of taking an“incomplete." value 0f the new system." gather more information before he student With cheating. Under the
r willbeautomatically accepted. the current rule, students cannot be The Senate also returned to com- Brad Canon. associate dean of the or she decides Whether a student new system. an instructor is given
i Senate member John Rea. an as- excused from classes because of ill- mittee a proposed change in the Uni. graduate school and Senate mem- may dropa course. seven days to formally notify a stu—
‘ sistant professor of French. express— ness or the death of a family mem- versity grading system. Under the ber. said the basis {01" the change The Senate also approved a mea- dent that he has been charged With
if: ed concern over the change. "I just ber. Students also are not permitted proposal. “pluses" would be as- was sound. He said the change in sure allowing students to appeal any cheating. rather than the former
.1; keep worrying about the side effects to make up missed work. Both signed to “B“ and “C" letter the policy would not cause grade in- grade evaluation in course work. threedays.
' From Ass'oa’atedProssreports
_. Two bishops back disarmament plan
LEXINGTON — Two Catholic bishops in Kentucky are
3 throwing their support behind a controversial pastoral letter
. a: ‘: calling for bilateral disarmament.
‘ ' -‘u. ;" . The Most Rev. Thomas C. Kelly, archbishop of Leuisville.
1 '9’ _:. 3 {3 " t '5; ’ said yesterday that he supports the pastoral letter, now in
. . 3 3‘; ‘s 5...? ‘5‘}; y”; ' ’r‘ 3 3 . 1°84. (.‘K '33 3’ (EST ,/ ..V J 3 :3 its third version, that will be voted upon by the nation‘s 284
\5‘ . d ) _ ”"0 3 33‘s trfi , ., O 343 A3" ’ 3 * if -. bishopsMoy2-3in Chicago.
..9' >‘-. 3 . ‘ I." r 1 t. I .3 3 3 «(a .‘ 333 ‘3 r are as: so is! E .: 3 a“ g s, i“; .. If approved, the document will represent official policy
5 _ -‘j. M 3.3.33 33%. 3.3. ...-.3 ‘3; ’ TW§ {‘2‘: ‘ ‘ i ' of the American branch of the Catholic church and w0uld
J ._ move the U.S. church for from its customary hard line on
‘ {if . 3 ...... " ._ issues of national security.
. in» .sw‘. ‘:.WW -9: 3 I: w «.... .......- ...3. . . I
- 3 . ... . ' ”g , . .- 'Gandhr' wrns best picture .
:I ' . -. ' - 1“ ‘ M . . . .. a“; -——--—-—-——‘ --- --
- J ‘ ‘J‘ ‘ ‘ .. . . “ “’ ~ ‘- LOS ANGELES — The 55th annual Academy Awards
' brought seven Oscars including best picture to "Gandhi," o
_ film which depicted the life of India's spiritual leader Mo~
hatmo Gandhi.
Ben Kingsley was awarded best actor for his perfor-
. _ . _. . ' . .... mance as Gandhi, and Meryl Streep picked up her second
" W l I“ L ‘ Oscar for "Sophie's Choice."
A cheerful test “"N'Anomxews'a" Jessica Longe, the vulnerable soap opera star in "Toot.
h h l h h . . d . . l . .3 _ . 3 sie," and L0uis Gossetf Jr,, the tough but fair drill sergeant
T e c eer eoders t of use i err vorces an gymnastic talents rro Coliseum were 138 girls and 12 guys, including, from left, in "An Officer and a Gentleman.’ were named best sup~
to support the Kentucky basketball and football teams must Jimmy Mortimer, Julie Brllrngton, Robert Brawn, Amy Baylor, ortin actress and actor
- try out for the squad each year. Trying out last night of Memo Steve Gibson and Stephanie Jennings. p g '
. . . Man arrested in PLO assassination
Researchers frgh ting back (diseases) - .
old man in connection with the assassination of the PLO‘s
By ELIZABETH WOOD Wenner-Gren Research Laboratory. mg stress and strain. The condition can deteriorate to European coordinator, and hunted for a taxi driver who fled
Reporter antctll gajDavid Steven%ha Lexingtgn Stevens'lvroleg is to pfrforgiheilipejri- thelpoint that ampersorg's riblcagesltit- from a police patrol after me murder.
- or 0 c surgeon. ey reccn y men son mn animasan ep e- era y res son 5 or er peVis. e- . . . . .
.chwwmw.’ _.._ 3-,,_3-____. received a $44,844 grant from Shrin- velop the concepts of the research vens said. Victims eventually die Acting Internal Admrnstrotron Minister Roberto Carnerro
ers Hospital to research tensile project. After is it known how much from heart failure because the inter- declined '0 5°Y Whe'he' the m°n “refled yesterday W°s
Sandy Poison is a bright, cheerful properties — resistance to length- stress the spinal column can toler- nal organs do not have enough room Suspected of shooting lssom Sartowi in a crowded hotel
14-year-old who until recently didn‘t wise stress—of the human Spine. ate. Stevens will implant devices. to function properly. lobby of Albuieira, 120 miles from here or whether he was
have much tobecheerful about. _ Before the rod‘ised in operations similar to. the Harrington rod used in About 300 new patients will come considered an accomplice ,0 the killing.
She has a disease known as “sco— like Sandy's 15 inserted. the spine humans. in live monkeys and dogs to Lexrngton for treatment of scolio- “W h 3 . . th 3 h l d 30 b l‘
liosis" — an incurable. crippling must be stretched. But surgeons can that showsignsofscoliosis. sis this year. Stevens said. Out of _ 9 9V9 5 I'°"9 SUSP'C'Ons 0 ove 3 6 ”us . e reve
curvature of the spine. If left un- only estimate how much curvature "The Herrington rod is similar to that 300. about 50 will require sur- ”“5 m0" '5 connected Wlll" "‘9 055°55”‘°"°"r 5°'d Carnel-
treated.it is fatal. can be eliminated until it is known a bumper jack." Stevens said. "We gery. re, who did not elaborate.
Sandy recently underwent surgery how far the spinal column can be attach it to the spine then jack it up Treatment at Shriners Hospitalvis lssom Sortowi, a 47-year-old physician who had become
at ‘Shrmers HOSPllal for Cl'lPPled stretched WlthOUt damaging the tocorrectthecurve. free, b”! for those who don‘t quahfy a leading PLO advocate of reconciliation with Israel, was
Children on Richmond Road, where cord. “It is my ultimate goal to develop for it. an operation for scolrosrs can h 3 S d M 33 d' th f' 3 d 3 th S . l' 3
surgeons implanted a 14-inch metal The study is funded for one year, a device that will enable us to mea— cost $10.0000r more. 5 ° ”'7 °Y w ' e a er? '"9 ° _'"° _ °y ° 9, “'0‘ '5
rod in her spine. She is not com- with an additional “4‘03” available sure accurately what happens in the In addition to benefitting the study International conference in the seosrde City of Albuferra.
pletely cured; X-rays taken after next year unless additional cuts are spine with certain treatments that of scoliosis. Lafferty said his and
the operation show a slight curva— made in research grants. Because of wegive." he said. Stevens‘ research may aid in the un' ' '
ture. the economy only about one-third of “Horn this work. we may be able derstanding other back problems. U.S. arms .h'pm to Thailand
To Sandy. however, that‘s a minor all grants applied for are accepted. to apply more stress for a shorter SUCh 33 muscle spasms and disc fail-
detail. “Now I‘m straight,“ she put "We will be using Rhesus mon- period Of time. greatly improving ures. BANGKOK, Thalland — Two giant transport planes landed l
ll~ keys." Lafferty said. “We Will dc» lh? treatment Ol scoliosis." Lafferty ”Lower back pain is the most at Bangkoks military airport yesterday laden with long-
k Ehe'ncaigfterof scpligsis regniiins up :ign a gxtué‘ie thatdholds :on tverte- sag-aces exer . S and electronics coniléldngfllsarhllhggdpmglem 31‘ ‘2: range hawitzers _ the second batch of o U.S. emergency
n w . esea c ers c n mue 0 rate an a sc an moun a on a . else . ‘. wor . . eve 5 san . " ven ou . . . .
search for ways to help victims like hydraulic machine that will stress may help in treating some cases of we can‘t correct it completely. it arms Sh'pmem ’0 The” forces who have-been dueling w'th
Sandy copewith thedisease. them so that we can measure the the disease. but are not effective in can be controlled so that a patient V'elnamese troops along the Thai-CambOdran border.
Active in the field are James Laf- force it takes versus the distance it severe cases. Scoliosis usually af~ can lead a normal life. except for a A Thoi military SPOhesmon said the l55n"m hOWilleFS. OS
ferty. director of the University‘s moves. This is essentially measur— fectsadolescents. fewactivrties " well as 'Red-Eye" anti-aircraft missiles delivered over the
weekend would be dispatched to the border where the
. - l - two sides have had intermittent exchanges of artillery fire
. an I a as Ispu e campaign un s
* An American merchant vessel is scheduled to deliver
. ___— lins has entertained her political "The lieutenant governor is pro- spending blitz before the May 24 pri- more military equipment April l9 US. official sources said
. By HERBERTSPARROW su ~ . . , ’ded 't' sh ' m 1' t t . . . . ' . .
. . pporta's in the lieutenant goyer w secun y e [S e ieu enan mary 3 3 3 3 3
Associated ”‘55 Writer nor's mansion. which is furnished governor and many times the acting "It is not an exaggeration to say fhher OHM s m'gh be conducted If mm and rogues ed
and staffed by the taxpayers. governor. as she is today." Lindsey that much of your last-week adver- em.
— - ~ ~ . . . ~ -.. - In a letter to Mrs, Collins. Sloane said. tising bllll Wlll be paid “llh funds \
called on her to end the practice and Lindsey also revealed that Mrs saved only by ming taxpayer dollars /
to take herself and her office staff (‘ollins has been the subject of a re- to meet other campaign needs."
FRANKFURT -. Democratic gu- off the public payroll while cam- cent security threat. Sloane wrote Mrs (‘ollms
bernatorial candidate Harvey Sloane paigning “We didn‘t think it was proper to Sloane pointed out that while he is WEAT
yesterday charged that Lt. Gov. He also asked her to consider re. interject such threats into the cam campaigning for governor, he does
Martha Layne Collins has been imbursing the people of Kentucky paign because of the obviom dan~ not receive his salary as mayor of / \
. using tax dollars to help finance her for any tax dollars med to date in gers.“ Lindsey said.“A trooper trav- Louisville
campaign against him in the May her campaign els with her at all times because she Sloane said he has also hired a
primary Hank Lindsey. a spokesman for remains. by law. a constitutional of» separate campaign staff that is "to 7 III ,
Sloane charged that Collins has the Collins campaign. called ficer 24 hoursaday " tally distinct from my mayor's of. ”:7: w. bard... ly sunny and warmer, with h...“ h
. been driven to political appearances Sloane's charges “silly. They are Lintkey said he did not know what lice staff. which tends to official city w o m '
. by a state trooper in a state car and not true It‘s a tissue issue. A charge Sloane was talking about in charg- business only "Ml.“ "l" 5. "‘0'."le ‘lW‘Y “H“ '9‘" l" "‘0
often has been accompanied by without substance. ing that the mansion had been used “The only members of my low it“ NIH ‘0'.
morphed-sf of ltiher Ioffitcial. tpublicly "11:9 pelfpl; in her 0mm. who forépoliticalegtmainment Mr (‘ I may‘or's staff'perfogrf'ninbgs camgaign tommorrow will be cloudy with a chance of show-
per 3 in 9 ion enan gover- trove wit r take off vacation . one am money 5 o- wor are on cave a once rom "....“ he m Inf up” 9 |
nor‘s office. time and comp time they have ac- lins has saved through the me of tax the city and off the public payroll." ' w b. h. r60! o On 7°"
Sloane also charged that Mrs. Col- cummulated.“l.indsey said dollars will be used in a last minute Sloane said
- ..- -.. l l ' '
l J . . .~

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Kai-be" I ‘
llllsveldoo Andrei- ownn lmomun Mleloy new tlnlllo‘lb. Luv-m eon-cum 3 l
who: m w «0 News Idulm Am (dllol Spolll Ediio- spoiialrioiom Edna. Photo Editor Gvuohlutdlioi '
Munoquiqiddul H 'w wt WW Asa-“until"! fdzvol AIIrItoMSW'" idl'o' SpI(IOlFlo|.(l| Anmam CHIO‘Pholoqlophuv top. Desi-(huel g j
' l
”WWW—WW . l
_. . . _ :l
Stron leadership needed "
g N AbolTlON TO A003 MES'SPGF, j
t h SGA' re tation AW WWW“ ?
O c ange S pu or: me ammo 5mm ADD - ~
0 e e p . . To WE Ho' EgWAA lfiljaL/ |.
Success depends upon administration 5 dedication moag .s peogm/E. WM HIP .
58711086. TH RAD Ofib L
The following is an open message to the in- erased by BradfOrd. AND THE KER?! 50%. A .
coming administration of the Student Gov~ The task is not a simple one. But during E4—! "' j
ernment Association from Andrew Op- the campaign, Bradford demonstrated an ,_ , .fi
Pman".1983-84Kerneleditor-in-chiefelect. ability to unite prominent campus leaders , \ /( {I . _ §
and organizations from all walks of campus I _' v‘ 6’" j
David Bradford and Tim Freudenberg. life, L "" W. A; j a
Student Government Association president- This close rapport elected Bradford, and K ‘.
elect and vice president-elect respectively. hopefully, it will create a new type of . i . r
demonstrated by their ambitious platform relationship — perhaps friendship —— be- t / ;
that they are dreamers. And dreams might tween student government and the various t \\ .
bewhatstudent government needs. student organizations. The new administra- l %3 or; ,1
Although the victory of current President tion owes its power to its broad base of cam- ) E3 V 1
Jim Dinkle brought student government pus support, and with this debt comes the re- , l t 4 ' e .
from the old “dynasty” —- a phrase coined to sponsibility of prOViding a student I (L j a g - .
describe a tight-knit group of past and pre- government worthy of the high goals and ex- §t§
sent presidents and vice presidents — and pectations placed upon it. 3‘ i
tried to balance the Senate‘s power with the Restoring SGA's image on campus Will re- 1 - . ____ __. a _ ,. Q ‘ &
administration. SGA still remains far from quire strong actions within the organization. " ‘3; g ‘ / Q: .
its potential. And Bradford, saying he wants to give back 44 21:53; 3% \ .l 9
During this academic year. SGA has made to the executive branch back some of the »_ g. f1 ' ' ‘ 1
an admirable attempt to represent the con- power Dinkle restored to the dynasty-torn ' {1—1 5': :-E '\, l ’
cerns of the campus through its involvement Senate, has outlined a plan to take the tiger 1-:
in the struggle to save Robinson Forest from by the tail. ‘ .. 3;- ;
explotation and the decision to add a manda- Bradford, hoping to “streamline the exec- f} 2;“: ___.-___. \ _ ,
tory $50 health fee to student activities fees. utive branch.“ wants to appoint directors — :’ :3: . ’
But, the backstabbing politics — remi- similar to cabinet secretaries — to superVise 12:; .. ) ___ ;-, __ f’ .
niscent of the old dynasty - still remain. ap- the various activities and functions of stu~ 31:3” ~ " if “Egg. , v ’ ”s
pearing from time to time. And. unfortu- dent government. The Senate, according to Q‘s—.322! LL11; ~—-—— Mic U
nately. the petty politics of a few senators the new plan. will only approve and appro- .
and administrators could quickly destroy priate. . . .
any progress made by SGA's postitive ef- The success of the administration —- and
forts. perhaps SGA itself — rides on the honesty ,
g In the eyes of many. SGA is nothing more and dedication of its new president and vice 3 ‘
than a resume builder for the egos of the stu- president. The strong executive leadership dent government. tions in mind, the Kernel wishes Bradford ;
dents involved with the organization. And it called for by Bradford, tempered by good The Kernel, with its formal endorsement success in the coming year. i
is this image — one that has plagued Dinkle judgement and close and open examinations, on March 30, placed great expectations upon We’ll be watching closer than ever, be- ‘i j
and his administration — that must be could help restore the luster lacking in stu- the new administration. With these expecta- cause we’ve set our sights high. l 9
W -
Bill tht ttbd dt 'ht ,
a 3W a pro 80 S a pro ill: 8 my pass .g .
When the filth Congress retires to define for state courts the condi~ ages for a collapsed car roof, under all that bad i unless you dislike keep~ :" I
next year and pundits hold their an- tion under which a manufacturer is current law he or she would only ing lawyers in business). '
nual "Worst Piece of Legislation liable for injury stemming from have to prove that the roof had Ironically. possible federal godfa-
Contest," we'll be ready with a nom— product uses — usually cars. trucks failed to perform “as reasonably ex- thering of state court authority has
inee: The Uniform Product Liability and pharmaceuticals. Simple pected" or that the design‘s risks led the Reagan administration to ,
Af::.,.—‘ « r — Act. It would all but exempt makers enough.right'? outweighed its benefits. withhold outright support for Kas- ,
l 1 “ :1 l I t l “ ., of shoddy. unsafe or improperly la- Kasten‘s uniform code, however, ten's code. While the White House i
- , . l l ' \ beled goods from expensive injury sa ; would require the plaintiff to prove could throw its weight when the bill i
‘ l lawsuits. m_ ‘ GLEN that the manufacturer knew or gets another commerce committee
l ' .' HERHSP D introduced by Sen. Robert Kasten 1! . and should have known about the danger hearing later this month, the chance ;
“f“ ‘ " '~ 1— " " “I" ‘ . lR-Wis.i, who is not a lawyer. the ; — a much more difficult and expen— is thatitwill stay on the sidelines. i
l. 4.. a“ . fl - i [36 l” legislation represents an allout as- l .. SHEARER sive legal proposition and, ironical- Yet. as it looks now, Congress )
l j | [:T j l H g. '1?! l ‘ . _, ’ sault on judicial redress traditional- ‘ ly, by the current law standarlk. ir- won't need a push from Reagan to 3
fi‘ l‘ ,t‘jA ..l . ' ll" ; i. 12$? ly available to consumers. L'nfortu— relevant. make life easier for producers, jeop- ;
jg : i Afi' ‘ 31;! $1M nately. the measure stanlt a strong . Meanwhile, Mary Ann Smith. ail ardizing in the process the health l‘
1. +4 1; .- /- ~ 1: l ' .3 chance of passing through Congress Wrong._l3y Kasten‘s reckoning. the American University tort law ex- and safety of consumers. Given that, 4
‘ ‘ ‘ \‘ y 'l 3." '- fl l A»: }. l. . by the end of the year. "uniform code would Effectively pert. said the code would simply im- during the 19705, disabling accidents
—' ' , l ‘ . l U . t. j, .. To hear business tell the story, of rewrite llablllty standards that have pose chaos on state courts while of- outdistanced lawsuits m—to-l, a bill
I -l ' _ n; h” 7 “ _f " “9 course, the Kasten Bill is a long- long protected consumers'and kept fering little guidance on how to such as Kasten's would only reduce '_
T" ' '7' [I - “" "f ”if Fa“ -' 5 overdue play for clarity Since the careless mlnpanlefi 0" the" toes. It interpret it. "State courts will either manufacturer‘s incentive for mak~ ,
,' ‘ m . ‘lll‘ i‘l'f F1 mid 19705. manufacturers claim. a WWW "419V? 'manufacturers 0f have a monster on their hands or ing safe and tseful products. More 1!
) . , ll‘. . ,‘L 4 . 1i. ‘ burgeoning caseload of product lia- “strict" responSibility for design de- they'll interpret it in terms that they consumers would be injured; fewer :l
—-——~-—«—— , a “" “ " “’“’ ‘" ‘ -- ll bility suits has left many companies fects and failure to wam consumers already know — the old law," Smith of those injured could recover dam- ll
, in doubt as to just what is the law while burdening plaintiffs With a said. ages.
:Wdfuj from state tostate. long list of standards that must be Indeed, Smith contends that the In the end. the pro-business bill l
Product-liability reform guru Vic- proven before they can recover body of product liability law is al» may only drive customers away. l
tor Schwartz. who heads an alliance damages, EVGry state would feel ready predictable and. though it has
of 150 businesses and trade associa- this floutmg ofcaselaw, grown quickly in recent years. reli- Maxwell Glen and Cody Shearer 3 ‘
tions backing the bill, says that in- For example. if a car owner in able. That it differs from state to are Pulitzer Prize-winning national 3
dustry wants a uniform federal law New Jersey wished to recover dam- state is natural and not necessarily columnists. ;
w i
College offers st dents f t re cho 'ces LETTERS "
. the Athletic Board. Anybody who _
I've heard it said that your college there. huh'.’ Marketing? Promotion? year of college? Somehow I don‘t surroundings, and maybe one of us UK—UL meehng 32:]: lslte gum,“ ESHIZPWSHmOE 2
diploma 15 your ticket to interview- Personnel? Well why should i hire think it would be a very easy adjust- will figure out the meaning of life This Thursday the Athletics Asso- L nn 3 gfamore orsWha ci'iI c "
ing like a ticket is to a mOVle [5 you'.’ An unqualified, uneducated. merit. We $10‘le PFOSI‘ESS through (or has Monty Python already done ciation Board of‘Directors will meet 13);“! poo yne oug—
that all it represents? Are we here money-seeking child? How about the life learning new things each and thatforus'Pi to consider an annual Universit of Once a ain lease pl n to if d I»
at college for ‘0“? or more years mail room, and then maybe you can every year . When studying ‘0 be the best and Kentucky-University of bouisi/Iille the meetigng orpcontact aihe thi gt“ a;
only to get a foot in the door of in» work your way up from there." (5011889 simply gives US the chance maturing through our experiences to basketball game The meeting will dents on the Board if on are int u- .1.
dustry” to choose what we want to progress our personal best. we can make our begin at 4 ‘ th ~ - y er- .-~.
_ , ’ —————-—-——— . , , , , pm. on e i8th floor of ested in the issue of an annual series -
. Many of us question whether we to. because, as shown before. indus- own indiVidual ticket the most at- ' ~ . - . - i“-
‘ ' , . . . . Patterson Office Tower. This sessmn With the UniverSity of Louiswlle. s»
will go on to college and what it can try is not gomg to take the time or tractive to its potential buyers. Get is open to the public and 1 would .-
mean for us in the long run Some Guest chance on you. Maybe you‘ve decid- experience through a summer job. urge all concerned students to at— Jim Dinkle 5.";
try to buck the system and go OPINION ed on several majors along the road. Make your resume neat and concise. tend Student Go . . 7&1.
.. ,. , n . . . . . . . vemment Association i”
straight to Go to try and collect Do you think industry is gomg to let Dress well for that interView to Two student representatives sit on fame,“ L.
our $200 _ you come and go within organiza- show them youreally want that job. p
That Situation may sound a little tions as you do within colleges? Not No. a diploma being called a if
like this “So. you've come out of As you can tell, they‘re not going likely. And. as an 18-year-old, are “ticket" doesn't sound appealing, l}
high school and you feel‘the world to put you into a position that you you mature enougi to handle the but each of us knows the hard work 533“" are encoumged '0 sobm" me" “we” and Owens '0 me Ker it
owes you something in a little more haven't progressed to. Each year in professionalism. of a job. let alone and time that's gone into our own Persons submitting letters and opinions sh0uld address their corn 1
advanced field" Well. my name is our lives. we wogess to a certain the responSibilities many jobs en- “tickets.“ merits to the editorial editor at the Kernel, H4 Journalism Building, 5
Mr lndmtry and i can tell you're a level. whether it be in maturity. un— tail? So, when you go to cash in yours, Lorinelon. Kr 40506-0042. '
bright child ready for an entry-level derstandingorknowledge There‘s SO much to learn about in. make sure you‘re going first class. All material sent for consideration must be typewritten and deuble e .
p05ition in accounting. Debits” Cred- This progression allows is to go dividual fieltb and many things we That's the most you can make ofit. “’“M' w'"°" "‘“3’ "‘dud’ "‘9" "0m” °dd'°“°9i "RPM" "0'" "
its'.’ What do you mean you don‘t on to the next level, and SO m won‘t discover until we're on the bore. and majors classifications or connection with UK, Individuals sub- 5;-
know what they‘re all about” Well Could you have honestly jumped job. But. while we're “earning our m"r",9,‘°"":'"|';'gpf’Tzwu'db""9°UK'D°'d'i"°',“"°"’°' >-
then. we.“ try you m our finance de— from even your senior year of high ticket." we can yow personally by Melanie Bunk is an advertising 350 20:12.0: [2:5 mu 9 o 350 words or less. Opinions should be . .
oartment'.’ You don't know anything school straight into your sophomore learning about ourselves and our and telecommunications senior. '
Elm" COUNTY by Berke Breathed .
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_5 Are there Ciwlizations on other planets?
|'f ' t d SGA senate elects reSIdent pro tem
lemspaceto e e no P
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l t By BUD FIELDS senting a non-technical debate on take the ".0 position, and Dr. Rood By STEPHANIE WALLNER working With theSenate . Members elected were (.huck -
. Reporta' the topic of extraterrtstrial civiliza- will support the con view that the SemorStaff Writer There are several outspoken l‘hornbury. (ollege of Pharmacy
: tions. likelihood that our chances of dis- people in the senate this year. senator. Taylor. Nancy Kelly. (:ol ..__.., _ ,.
. ___..—_—_____- “The topics and issues to be de- covering an are severely limited. if m , mm- -7 ,, 77w Bradfordsald- . leg? 0f Bums» and Education
. l hated and discussed are not directed not entirely impossible_ within our Neal Hardesty. senator-at~large. SGA college senators elected to senator. Ashcraft l‘heo Monroe.
l Since the dawn of time, man has toeither the reality of UFU’s around Solar System,"he said. was elected chairman pro tem- the UmverSity‘ Senate s Senate senator-at large, Penny Heaton.
gazed upon the stars. quietly — al- Earth, or their exjsmnce in our 111 hi zed b Bra die pore last night during the first or» Councd were Scott Yocum. (oi. ( tillage of hdueation senator. Bill
l most secretly — wondering If anoth- lives," Tom Troland, UK assistant e was orga fyth G . dy gamzational meeting of the 1983-84 lege of Agriculture senator and lilt'hdrdstin. (allege of Library
er being just might be 100kih8 back professor of astronomv and one of Canon, associate deaf; 0k ,9 rf‘ _‘ Student Government Association Deepak Dwahan. Graduate School anti lrlltirnlalltln Science senator.
; at him. Scientists from Galileo t0 the forum’s organizers. said. “The uate SChOOI‘ Frank (hill 1" 29m 95' Senate senator. Phil Taylor, (“allege oi andtocum
Carl Sagan have sought to discover debate will center around the possi- 5°” ofastronomy,an 0"" ‘ “I feel very confi