Minutes of the M4eeting of the Board of Trustees of the University of
ientuckv, April 5, i960.

       The Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky met in the Pres-
ident. s Office on the campus of the University at 10:00 a. m. EST, Tuesday,
April 5, 1960, with the following members present: R. P. Hobson, Vice
Chairman; Robert H. Hillenmeyer, Floyd H. Wright, Clifford E. Smith, Em-
erson Beauchamp, W. F. Foster, Harper Gatton, J. Stephen Watkins, Dr.
Ralph J. Angelucci, Dr. Paul B. Hall and Dr. William C. Wilson. Absent:
Governor Bert T. Combs, Mrs. Paul G. Blazer, Wood Hannah, Sr. , and
Wendell P. Butler, Superintendent of Public Instruction.  President Frank
Cat. Dickey and Secretary Frank D. Peterson met with the Board.

      A.. Meeting Called to Order.

      M\4r. Robert P. Hobson called the meeting to order.  The Rev. Franklin
Owen, pastor of Calvary Baptist Church, Lexington, being present upon request,
wac's asked to open the meeting with prayer.

      B. Approval of Minutes.

      The Chairman requested the pleasure of the Board for consideration of
the Minutes.

      Upon motion duly made, seconded and carried, the Minutes of the Board
o I rastees of December 15, 1959, and the Minutes of the Executive Committee
of Januarv 22 and March 16, 1960, were approved as published.

      C. ReDort of the Treasurer.

      Mr. Peterson -made financial report for the period ended February 29,
i96'0.  He read the following letter of transmittal, balance sheets, statement
1f realized income and appropriations for operation of the University and the
`hart Fund.