University of Kentucky
     Statement of Unrealized Income
For the Current Fiscal Period Which Began
July 1, 1959 and Ended February 29, 1960

                   GENERAL FUND

I. Educational and General
  A. Student Fees-
  Incidental Fees and Tuition
  Training School Fees
  Adult and Extension Education Fees


$ 1,328,000.00



746, 041. 37
  18, 570. 00
  89, 868. 25


$  581,958. 63
    17,430. 00
    46, 131. 75

    Total Student Fees

    B. State Appropriations-
    Division o' Colleges
    Medical Center
    Geological Projects
    Agricultural Experiment Station
    Agricultural Extension Service

    Total State Appropriations

    C. Federal Grants-
    Division of Colleges
    Agricultural Experiment Station
    Agricultural Extension Service

    Total Federal Grants

    D. Endowment Income

    E. Sales and Services of Ed. Depts.-
    Division of Colleges
    Agricultural Experinment Station

    Total Sales and Services of Education-
      al Departments

    F. Returned Checks

         Total Educational and General

II. Service Enterprises:
    Post Office

I1I. Auxiliary Enterprises:
    Men' s Residence Halls
    Women' s Residence Halls

         Total Auxiliary Enterprises

         Total General Fund Income

$ 1,500,000. 00 $  854,479.62 $   645,520.38

$ 6,135,600. 00 $ 5, 135, 600. 00 $1,000,000.00
    978,500. 00    765,000. 00    213,500. 00
    187,300.00     177,700. 00       9,600. 00
    862,500. 00    815,500.00       47,000.00
    972,000. 00    757,000. 00    215,000. 00

$ 9,135,900.00 $ 7,650,800.00  $1,485,100.00

$   146,009.60 $    112,478. 53 $  33,531. 07
    866,791.00     685,484. 00     181,307. 00
  1,955,811.00   1,955,811.r00

$ 2,968,611. 60 $ 2, 753, 773. 3  $  214,838. 07

$    43,919.50 $      9,437. 50 $   34,482. 00

$    20,000. 00 $    19,037. 24 $      962.76
    650,000. 00    491,874. 77     158,125. 23

$   670,000. 00 $   510,912.01  $  159,087.9T

$              $     (1,733.24) $     1,733. 24

$14,318,431.10 $11,777,669. 42  $2,540, 761.68

$     4,000. 00 $     6,457.14 $    (2,457.14)

$   224,751. 00 $   139,448.87 $    85,302.13
    442,674. 00    241,611.66      201,062.34

$   667,425. 00 $   381,060.53 $   286,364.47

$14,989,856. 10 $12, 165,187.09  $2,824,669.01

(negative figure)
