
3.24    Evaluation of Student Character and Ability
         A student's character and ability shall be evaluated only by
         those with personal knowledge of him. Records containing such
         evaluations shall indicate when the inforrra tion was acquired,
         by whom, and the position of the individual.

3.3     Rights of the Accused

3.31    The student shall be guaranteed the following rights in all
         proceedings of the University Judicial System.

3.311  All students shall be guaranteed a fair hearing in all pro-
         ceedings of all judicial agencies.

3.312   No student shall be compelled to give testimony which might
        tend to incriminate him, and his refusal to do so shall not be
        considered evidence of his guilt.

3.313   The accused student shall be informed in writing of the reascns
        for his appearance before any judicial agency with suf-
        ficient particularity and in sufficient time to insure an oppor-
        tunity to prepare for the hearing.

3.314   The accused shall be entitled to receive upon request a copy
        of all rules and procedures governing the judicial agency at
        least 24 hours prior to his appearance before the agency.

3.315   The accused student shall enjoy the right to hear and question
        the witnesses against him and to present witnesses in his own

3.316   The accused shall enjoy the right to have the assistance of an
        advisor of his choice and shall be informed of this right in all
        processes of the University Judicial System

3.317   Only impartial members of the judicial agency shall sit in
        judgement of any case.

3.318   The accused shall have access to a permanent verbal or writ-
        ten transcript of every hearing of every judicial agency.

3.319   The accused student shall have the right to either an open or
        closed hearing. All hearings before any judicial agency shall be
        closed unless the accused student requests that said hearing be
        open. If a student desires an open hearing, he must file a writ-
        ten request with the Hearing Officer at least 24 hours prior to
        the time set for the hearing. The Hearing Officer will then