The University of Kentucky has lol,- honored the right of free
discussion and expression, peaceful! picl:tiinq and demonstrations, the
right to petition and peaceably to :sser..'le. It is equally clear, however,
that in a community of learning, interference, coercion or disruption
cannot be tolerated.

     Students who engage in conduct proscribed by this Article of the
Code shall be char-ed pursuant to this Article only where one or more
of the following occurs:

     1.  Where there is a threat of or commission of physical violence.
          [,or] during mass disturbances, or

     2.  Where there is a threat of or destruction of University
          property [,or] during mass disturbances or

     3.  Where conduct necessitates the declaration of or
          takes place during a State of Emergency as provided herein [,or].

     4.  [Where the Dean of Students or his authorized representative
         gives prior notice that 6.1 is applicable.]

6.11   Section 6.1 is violated when a student, acting alone or in concert
       with others, imnedes or impairs University missions, processes
       or functions, or interferes wmith the rights of others   [The
       following, while not intended to be exclusive, illustrate the
       offenses encompassed herein:1 by occupation of any University
       building or property, or part thereof, without authorization
       by the University; blocking the entrance or exit of any University
       building or corridor or room therein; settinv fire to, or by
       any other means, damaging any University building or property,
       or the property of others on University premises; any display
       of, or attempt or threat to, use firearms, explosives or other
       weapons upon University property without University authorization;
       prevention of the convening, continuation or orderly conduct of
       any University class or activity or of any lawful meeting or
       assembly upon University property. blocking normal pedestrian
       or vehicular traffic on University property. and failure to
       vacate premises when ordered to do so by a University official.

6.2    Administrative Authority an(l Responsibility

       f. Take such other actions in accordance with law deeried
           necessary by the Preside-t of the University to protect
           lives and property and provide for the orderly operation
           of the institution.

6.42   Interim suspension may be iriiosed only by the President of
       the University, the Vice President for A\dministration, or the
       Vice President for Student Affairs, [or Dean of Students] whlen
       anv one of these officials has reasonable cause to believe that
       a student has comnitted an offense defined in Section 6.1.