STUDENT GOVERNMENT
                                    .Sitt~id t Ceanter
                             LEXINGTON, KFNTUC(K;Y 40506

SCOTT WENDELSDORF                                                   REBECCA WESTERFIELD
    PRESIDENT                                                          VICE PRESIDENT


        WHEREAS, one year ago today on May 4, 1970, four students were shot to
  death by National Guard troops at Kent State University during demonstrations
  protesting President Nixon's unilateral and unconstitutional invasion of Cambodia;

       WHEPEAS, investigation of the incident by the Department of Justice and the
  Federal Bureau of Investigation concluded that the actions of the National Guard
  and the officials in question were a totally unjustified over-reaction 'not
  necessary and not in order"; and

       WHEREAS, the tragedy of the Kent State killings almost repeated itself at
  the University of Kentucky (as it did repeat itself at Jackson State College) due
  to the needless and unconstitutional use of National Guard troops armed with
  "mounted bayonets and live ammunition"; and

       WHEREAS, the facts of the Kent State University, Jackson State College,
 and University of Kentucky incidents and the conclusions which those facts re-
 quire must be of concern to all who seek a just society of peace and liberty
 untainted by the spectre of repression blatant or subtle; therefore be it

       RESOLVFE, that the Board of Trustees of the University of Kentucky condemns
 these culpable killings and joins with the University community in pledging that
 similar tragedies shall never again occur; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Board initiate a policy of forbidding violence as a method
 of maintaining order in the academic community; and be it further

       RESOLVED, that the Board condemns and will never condone the use of outside
 "law enforcement agencies" in the academic community unless such action is pur-
 suant to the strict requirements of state, federal, and constitutional law.

                                               Submitted by

Scott T. Wendelsdorf
Student Trustee