in nature, without discussion, on motion by Dr. Nicholas, seconded by Mr.
Wright, and passed, the revisions so recommended were authorized and
approved. (See PR 7 at the end of the Minutes. )

        K. Student Health Insurance Proposal Adopted (PR 8)

        A committee, appointed while Dr. Kirwan was serving as President of
the University to study the whole area of student health programs, recently
submitted its report to President Singletary. The increased cost of health care
has made it prohibitive for the University to provide without charge the health
care necessary and desirable for its students. The committee, broadly repre-
sentative of the campus community and including students, medical, and
administrative staff, recommended in its report a broad, two-part insurance
plan designed to provide comprehensive ambulatory and hospital patient health
care for all, students. The plan was discussed with various segments of the
student body and generally received strong support. Dr. Singletary said,
however, that the recommendation being made to the Board at this time does
not make insurance the only alternative but provides that a student who does not
wish to purchase insurance nmay be relieved of that duty if he can satisfactorily
demonstrate the financial ability to provide for his own ambulatory health care
at the level specified by the committee. It is anticipated that the cost of the
ambulatory portion of the insurance for 1971-77 can be purchased from a
carrier(s) for approximately $7. 00 per semester, $4. 00 per summer term, and
$2. 00 for the intercession.

       Following Dr. Singletary's introductory remarks, Dr. Bosomworth read
the proposed recommendation in PR 8 and strongly recommended approval by
the Board of Trustees. He added that in the event approval is given, a Student
Advisory Committee will be created to determine the nature and range of the
benefits to bie provided.

       Mr. Wendelsdorf reported that the Student Government Senate had con-
sidered the proposal at some length and had indicated its approval. The
Interfraternity Council and the students living in the dormitories have also
endorsed the plan and, in Mr. Wendelsdorf's opinion, support on the part of
the students is almost unanimous,

       On motion duly made, seconded by Mr. Alverson, and passed, the
recommendations in PR 8 relative to student health insurance was approved.
(See PR 8 at the end of the Minutes. )

       L. Interim Financial Report Accepted (FCR 1)

       Without discussion, on motion by Mr. Griffin, seconded by Mrs. Blazer,
and passed, the interim financial report covering the period ending March 31, 1971