» UK B e a t
Social Work Welcomes New Dean Arturo Sandoval Takes
james P.“11re” Adams jr. started in july as the dean er the UK Best Of Show At 'Fiber Focusi
College brssccrad Work, previously serving the University brsAia. _ _ _
bama as executive assistant to me provost and vice president for erm Aims Seniievei inrernerienehv reeegnued fiber
Academic Affairs, as yen as director ofEconomic and COmmU- mr end rhe Alumni Endewed Prefesser ¤¤"Ar= er rh? UK De-
m meyAecfede_ He dee Wee ed dee beeed gartment ersArr, has tmcen Best brssirew honors for his prece
I . d Ofehe Alabama Poverty Project and Pattern FUSIOn NO. 9 on eXl1Il7It at Att Saint LOUIS In Saint
ar ( was a research associate for the Ketter- Lens Me _ _
.7 r d _ deg Fedddeded The artwork rs made from recycled auto rndusrry Mylar and re.
ed   e Ad e ddeeeee eeeeeedeee edd d edmme cycled library 3Smm mrcreritm. Award yyrnners were selected by
g _ · - eeeeee Adm hedde e beehedeeae degeee yurbr Airce grebrec, a curatordal consultant based rn Sanna re and
E I in eoeiolugyfrom Tougaluu College in the COnSUltIngCUI‘atOI‘ oftextile-art for the Denver Art l\KlUSeurne
ei e Tedgedeee Mieed e meeeeeae degeee in F Sandoval has taugirr at UK srnce 1974. Hrs yybrieprdmarriy rn
  eeeded Wede eeeeeede dem Seeee Une rber arts, appears rn the collections-ofNew York crrys Mu.
E Veeedey emew Yede ee seedy Beeede seum of Modern Art, the smrtbscnran American-Art Museum,
g   mdadecrcrare m socialworkpolicy g;;d;;i<;e¤;;;52·;d%rdeeue?egfdtdeerleledllegjnei V·ern¤r¤ Ver-
g __, . ·-_ planning and administration from the ·
g * University ersMrnnesera.
_ _ _ Nursing Alumni Association
EK ighi uerv xleieigins I-¤¤k· na sesrbws Award Tb Cheung
0f 0Ym€Y Em EFS Robyn Cheung'87 ’89 NUK Was presented Wrtir tire 2009 obi.
Dm-mg the ]94()Se Were you 3 member Of;}-,e UK Veterans lege Of`NurSing Alumni ASSOciatiOn Outsmnding Alumni Award.
Club? Members currently on campus are interested in getting in This ¤nnu¤1 ¤W¤rd is presenred ru individunis hsving en under-
mach Wreh yr,.,_ graduate or graduate degree from the College ofNursing Wire er.
The original club started in 1944 with nine members who paid ernpiify 3 eurnrniunenr re SHPPOH rhe ml-l€g€» es W6]-l ”
dues efehe deheh The Pmpeee efrhe eheb Wee ee Phemeee ehe demonstrate creative and innovative approaches in their practice
causes and protect tire interests of veterans attending UK. Today areas She is ¤n ¤ssismnr rese¤r¤h fsruiry rnernher in rhe $¤h¤¤i ef
60 years later, the organization stiu provides services and support Nursing eu rhe Universiry ¤r"Pennsyh¢¤ni¤·
to veterans bn campus. UK recendy opened a Veterans Resource
Center in the Punlchouser Building and there is a coordinator to
handle administrative matters concerning UK student veterans. ` _
Ifyou were amember ersdre club years ago, please centacr Tyler .
Gayheart at $02.322.72% br via ]osephGayheart@ulcyedu _ ‘$ g
rbdays members would be honored rb know ybu: ‘ - i 3 ‘ ef ’ ,
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és "Fi i A-date;
LQ   2   Q: e Pictured above are (left to right) Suzanne Prevost, UK Nursing
g * _   H associate dean for practice and engagement; Cheung, Jane
$3 l 9 • ' Kirschling, UK Nursing dean and professor, and Lynne Hall, UK
1947 Veterans Club Front Row (left to right): Ellis Arnold, Claud Nursing associate dean for research and scholarship.
Sprouls; Znd Row: Dell DeSpain, Betty Rhoads, Mary Aull, Eliza-
beth Vlhlliams, Jean Eubank; 3rd Row: Farnum Lewis, Ellis Foster,
Mmon Kafogahse immam Russeh Mary Keith Doskere He|en Degsse (ompiled from UK Web sites, UK Public Relations news repormand
Mary ri. Bryant; Badc Row: ip. cauririi, Mass barren, Joe Ballard, Keiiiiriviiirniii nnsuine hifi i<>i¤i·u
Charles Whaley, Ryburn Weak|ey,Jameson1ones.
www.ukaIumni.net 9 ((