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Tom Leach ’83 AS has written {Ric}? T%adizi0n:H0wRir}7 Brook: joe Nickell ’67 ’87 AS is the author of {Rea] 0rFake: Studie: in
Reamalzlae F00tbaZZFOrtz¢n¤ af:/ae Iéazarky VVZZdrat:.” The 312-page Aa:/mmrazzad which acts as a guidebook for readers interested
book covers Brooks' resurrection ofthe Cats' football fortunes and in distinguishing historical pieces from forgeries or reproductions.
looks back at his career. It shows how Brooks He details the methods used to authenticate or dismiss docu-
llora Rich Brooks revived the [pd Kentucky to an unprecedented three ments, photographs, artwork and other artifacts. The book also
{00,;,,,11 fnrt¤}¤¢" Ufthe consecutive bowl victories, a run that in- lists some basic warning signs of forgery
laEdarazzoa aaa! Social Srzmre unexplained tales, both past and present,
viduals who spent the war in Nazi-controlled Reseaar/afwhicla introduces afresh approach from locales across the Commonwealth, in-
Germany but now live in Kentucky and have to research, using strategies adapted from oral cluding rural farms, downtown buildings and
integrated into their new communities. history and educational criticism to traverse college campuses.
the boundaries of human experience and
The University Press of Kentucky bring to light matters of concern to education The University Press of Kentucky
wwwkentuckypress.com and social science researchers. wwwkentuckypress.com
Palgrave Macmillan
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or found vo lrnles ollofthose Web srres. UK and the UK Alnrnnr Association do not neeessarrly endorse booles or orlrer original material rnennoned in creanvelnrees.
>> 48 Winter2009