
Alpha Delta Theta sorority.
Mr. Cassidy is the son of Mrs. Essie Lyle Cassidy, of Lexington. He is
a graduate of the College of Engineering, University of Kentucky,
class of 1925.
Since graduation, Mr. Cassidy has
taining at 4 o'clock at Maxwell been connected with Allen and Garcia
Place, with a tea for the mothers of Company, consulting engineers, in
Friday, May 6
the university students. Dr. McVey Chicago. The. wedding will be solGingham dance in the men's gym- will give a short talk.
emnized about the middle of June.
nasium from 9 until 1 o'clock.
Sunday, May 8
Saturday, May 7
Y. W. C. A. Delegates at Tea
entertaining with a tea
W. C.
Cadet Hop in the men's gymnasium at Y. o'clock A.
at Patterson hall.
Mrs. Frank L. McVejr and Miss
from 3:30 until 6 o'clock.
Sarah Blanding, dean of women of
Triangle house dance at the chapStevcnson-Cassidthe University of Kentucky, enterter house on Forest road from 9 until
12 o'clock.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Carroll tained with a beautiful afternoon tea
.Drive and inspection of campus, at Stevenson announce the engagement Friday at Maxwell place in honor of
2 o'clock, for the visiting mothers, of their daughter, Frances Carroll, to the delegates and speakers here for
the state conference of the Young
who are guests of the university for Mr Snmnpl PnssiHv.
Christian Association in
the week-en.
Miss Stevenson is a junior ,in' the
session at iim university,
President and Mrs. McVey enter
The house was decorated with
spring flowers, which were also arranged with candles on the tea tables
' placed daintily on the sun porch.
In the receiving line with the
were: President McVey, Mrs.
E. A. Bureau, Miss Irene Morgan, re- firinr nvncirlonr nf tVio TTnivoreifir nf
Kentucky Y. W. C. A., and Miss Lydia
Roberts, the new president.
Mrs. I. D. Best and Mrs. Lester
O'Bannon presided at the tea tables.
Mrs. McVey and Miss
were assisted in entertaining by the
members of the Y. W. C. A. advisory committee and the Y. W. C. A.
committee of the Woman's Club of
Sold By
the university, Mrs. Bureau, chairman; Mrs. George Roberts, Mrs. Paul.
P. Boyd, Mrs. Otto Koppius. Mrs. J.
E. Rush, Mrs. Charles Turck, Mrs.
Brinkley Barnett, Mrs Holmes Martin, Mrs. Bart Peak, and the members
of this and next year's
Irene Morgan, Margaret
Gooch, Margie Lee
Smith, Lydia
Roberts, Dora Mae Duncan, Elise
Bureau, Dorothy Darnell, Virginia
Robinson, Sarah Walker, Louise "3ef- -.
ferson, Virginia Boyd, Mildred Kidd,
Alma Lepper, Frances Roberts, Louise Rogers, Theresa Newhoff, Mary
Virginia Hailey, Katheririe Weitzel,
Rankin Harris, Katharine Best, Pauline Adams and Cora Polk.






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Baynham Shoe Co.

Delta Chi Formal
Kentucky chapter of Delta Chi fraternity, of the University of Kentucky, entertained with their formal
dance, Saturday evening at the Phoenix hotel from 9 until 12 o'clock.
Palms and ferns placed along the side
walls of the ball room made a beautiful setting for the occasion. During
a unique lighting
the "six
effect was carried out. Music was
by Winstead's orchestra of
The fourth
was the Delta
Chi feature dance during which a
special fraternity song was played.
Very attractive programs of tan
leather embossed with the fraternity
were given to the
The hosts of the active chapter
were Messrs. Alex Smith. Harrison C.

A Conservative Fall Style for Men



men are
AS usual, Kinney Styles this Fall forconservativesure toStylish
the most fastidious; who want

footwear, at a reasonable Low Price. Kinney styles in Blacks
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with Real Value
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Bowles, Fred C. Conn, Thomas Cross,
William Crouch, Robert Cundiff, William Glanz, Fulton Gosney, Ray D.
Hall, A. D. Husk, Joe Johnson, Theo-- ;
dore Johnson. Chauncey S. Johnstone,
William Kendall, Raymond
James Kittrell, Roger Laufer, Melvin

last concert of this series, Sunday afternoon, May 29, in front of Patter
son hall. The time will be 5 o'clock
immediately following the baccalaur
eate services. The public is cordial
ly invited.

Sigma Delta Chi Initiates
Nollau, Everett Quisenbury, Robert
Taylor, Russell Thomas, Garner Wil- Sigma Delta Chi, men's professional
ley, Thomas Williams and James WiH journalistic fraternity held its initia
tion exercises last Friday afternoon
The pledges are: Martin Glenn, Jay in the rooms of the journalism de
Following the initiation
Brummette, Clarence Rhodemyer, A. partment.
C. Wallace, Lynn Rhodemyer and a banquet was attended by the members of the actvie chapter, at the
Hereford Southwood.
The chaperones were Dean and Phoenix hotel.
Members of the active chapter are:
Mrs. C. R. Melcher, Dean arid Mrs. P.
P. Boyd, Dean and Mrs. C. J. Turck, Kenneth Gregory, John Bullock, Niel
Dr. and Mrs. Paul Taylor, Prof, and Plummer, James Shropshire, Hunter
Mrs Alfred Brauer, Mr. and Mrs. E. Moody, Edgar Higgins, Frank HooJ. Proctor, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. John- ver, Delos Nooe, Warren Price. Those
initiated were: Alfred Robinson
son, and Mr. Owen Reynolds.
John Dundon, E. M. Sargent, William
Glanz, Charles Headley, John Goodloe
Luncheon at Pleasant View Inn
Mrs. Frank L. McVey entertained and Don Grote.
Thursday with a luncheon at Pleasant
Scabbard and Blade Dinner Dance
View Inn which was opened that day
by her mother, Mrs. Asa Jewell, at
Scabbard and Blade, honorary milher country place on the Harrodsburg itary fraternity, entertained with a
pike. The honor guests for the oc- program dinner dance Monday eve
casion were Mrs. George Winter, of ning at the Phoenix hotel in honor of
Minn., and Mrs. Royal the visiting officers of the War De
Ash, of Brazil, Ind., who were visit partment and the sponsors.
ing Mrs. McVey.
Invitations were sent to all officers
The house and tables were beauti of the military department and their
fully decorated with a profusion of wives. The sponsors were guests of
spring flowers. An elaborate and de their respective officers and invitalicious menu was served. In the par tions were also sent to the Graduate
ty were: Mrs. Winter, Mrs. Ash, Mrs. Reserve officers.
Preston Johnston, Mrs. L. L. Dantz-le- r,
The Rhythm Kings Orchestra .play
Mrs. John Stoll, Miss Lulie Lo- ed during the evening.
gan, Miss Sarah Blanding, Mrs. WilMembers of the active chapter
liam Rodes, Jr., Mrs. Edward Tipton, are: Charles Heidrick, Watson ArmMrs. Theodore Kenyon, of Summitt, strong, Reynolds Ackerman, Frank
N. .J., Mrs. Edward Tuthill, Mrs. Wil Brown, J. M. Bush, J. L, Darnaby,
liam Conant, Jr., Mrs. J. C. Jones, R. C. Dorsie, Karl Hohmann, Sid
Mrs. Richard T. Anderson, Mrs. Jdhnson, Levinson McCarty, Will
Mrs. Morrie Crutch- - Richards, John Rachal, H. H. Rice,
er, Mrs. C. R. Melcher.
L. W. Stokely and Earl Sherwood;
The pledges include: W. L.
Doc. Stephenson, J. J. RichA large number of Arts and Scienc ardson, Lowry Caldwell,
students and faculty members met in Crutcher, Hunter Moody, J. P. Bosthe ballroom of .thePhoenix hotel ton, Leroy Miles, W. D. Simpson,
at 6:30 o'clock Wednesday evening to Waller Jones, H. V,. Fried; Stanley
enjoy the first annual faculty and Stagg.
senior dinner of Ithat college ever
held at the university.
Sophomore Shindig
Dean P. P. Boyd, acting as
sophomore class of the Uni. The
introduced Dr. Funkhouser, versity of Kentucky entertained Satwho representing the faculty, ex- urday afternoon with the annual
tended a greeting to the seniors and "Sophomore Shindig" from 3:30 unJoe Palmer responded on behalf of til 6 o'clock in the men's gymnasium.
Music was furnished by the Rhythe senior class. President McVey
delivered a short introductory ad- -' thm Kings and Peck's Bad Boys orguest speaker, Mr. chestras.
dress for the
Frank W. Chandler, dean of the ColAn especially appointed committee
lege of Liberal Arts at the Univer acted with the officers in arranging
sity of Cincinnati, who spoke on "Our the affair. The officers of the class
Passion for Painless Education."
are: Mr. Clair Dees president; Miss
The committee in charge of the Lucile Short,
banquet included Miss Margie Mc- Maxine Parker, secretary; Mr. K.
Laughlin, chairman,
Sarah Blanton Baker, treasurer. The comBlanding, Miss Idie Lee Turner, Mr. mittee was composed of the followB. T. Davis, Dr. A. C. McFarland, ing: Mr. Elmer Gilb, Miss Rankin
Harris, Miss Marjorie Smith, and Mr.
Dr. M. Scherago and Dr. A. Vanden-boscKenneth Poison.

.for natural tobacco taste is trav- elling right across the country!



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A new Gotham Gold Stripe Silk
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with all of the quality, service
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Gold Stripe represents.


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a fkmr tardm.

VaJm unabbnachtd.



toast-maste- r,



Tea for Lexington Alliance
Delta Rho chapter of Delta Delta
Delta entertained with a" tea at the
chapter house on Thursday, May 5,
in. honor of the Lexington Alliance.
The house was decorated in spring
flowers of gold and white, in blue
vases, carrying out the colors of the
sorority.. The color scheme was further carried out in the blue tapers in
brass candlesticks, which adorned
the tea table.
guests were presAbout thirty-tw- o

Date Changed
Dean and Mrs. Paul P. Bdyd have
issued invitations for thejr annual
Arts and Sciences senior party for
May 12, but on account of the Stroller
play the date has been changed to
Friday evening, May 13. The party
will be informal, the hours being from

We Offer You an Easi
Way to Get Up in
the Morning
No need to cut your first hour class if you
have one of these "Square Clox" guaiv
anteed alarm clocks.
They are nationally advertised and sold
for $2.50, but you can buy them this week

at Wolf Wile's for

8 o'clock to 12 o'clock.

Entertains for Dr. Riddle
Dr. J. B. Miner will entertain the
members of Sigma Xi with a dinner
at the Phoenix hotel this evening at
6:30,, in honor of Dr. Oscar Riddle,
Band Concert
Researh Investigator at the Station
The University of Kentucky band, of Carnegie Institute at Cold Spring
supervised by .Elmer G. Sulzer, gave Harbor, Long Island.
a very delightful and varied proVisiting Officers Entertained
gram Sunday afternoon. The numbers included were bits of popular
Mrs. H.- P. Hobbs entertained at
music, scenes from operas and some luncheon Monday in honor of Lieut.
of religious nature.
Col. William. S. Bowen, Coast ArtilThe program was as follows:
lery Corps; Captain Leonard B.
Overture, "Pique Dame" Suppe. Gallagher, Coips of Engineers, and
Serenade, "A Night in June"
Lt. Col. E. R. Harris, Headquarters
Fifth Corps Area.
Operatic Selections "Chimes of
Y. W. C. A. will present the followMedley of Southern Melodies.
ing program at Patterson hall in obMarch, "Fame and Fortune" King. servance of Mother's Day, Sunday,
"Humoresque," "The Village Band" May 8 at 5:30 p. m.
Piano Solo Louisa Dudley.
"Valse Romaqtique,"
Scripture Reading Helen C. Smith.
Hannah, the Courageous Mother
Descriptive Battle of San Juan Cora Polk.
Vocal Solo Josephine- Frazar.
Potpourri of Gospel Hymns.
Reading Mary Virginia Hailey.
"Echoes of the Blue
Vocal Solo Rozanna Ruttenciitter.
The university band "will give the

Surely and swiftly the preference


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The perplexed Prom oiN Dance Committee can easily solve their problems by
availing themselves of our large decora
tive crepe paper stock. And they will
also find here many clever dance novelties, such as streamers, paper hats and
confetti. All of these things- are in our
Gift Department, first floor.

