The Kentucky Kernel
The Kentucky Kernel is the official newspaper of the
students nnd alumni of the University of Kentucky.
Published every Friday throughout the college year
by thu student body of the University.

K. I. P. A.

Subscription One Dollar and Fifty Cants a Year-F- ive
Cents a Copy. Entered at Lexington Post-offia3 second class mail matter.




Managing Editor
Asst.. Managing Editor

Lois Purcell
John W. Dundon, Jr.
Jessie Sun
Jes3 L'aughlln
Beechcr Adanw
News Editor
Emily Hardin
Robert Sharon
Kern Patterson



Society Editor


Lillian Combs

Henry Etta Stone

Margaret Treacy

Vernon D. Rooks
Laurence Shropshire
Hayes Owens Thomas Rose Bill Reep Clay Brock
Lawrence Crump
Jack Robey Haskell Smlther
Martin Glenn
Thomas L. Riley
Kathleen Fitch
Earl Cella
Wilma Powell
Boom Billiter
Delbert Noel
Betty Huelett

Sadie Ann Parltz
John Murphy
Billle Alsover
James Boucher
Nell Clark
Jane Warren

Sara Elvove

Melvlna Pumphrey
Edna Smith
Paul Goodloe
Hugh Adcock
Louise Thompson
Allan Murphy
Business Manager


Phone 6302

Advertising Manager

Harold Shaw
Allle Mason
Eugene Royse
Edward ' Kee
Circulation Manager
W. D. GROTE . . . Foreman Mechanical Department
Clay Roff
A. L. Pigman
A Campus Beautiful
University Expansion
Dissemination of University News to Kentucky

Strict Observance of Laws and
Better Scholarship

Routine! .What an impasse the word has come
to be in the American university world, where everything is done at the exact moment a class bell rings
an insistent summons at the same minute day after
day! Students conform their college lives to the
devastating effort of doing the same thing at the
same time while days, weeks and months slowly chant
their processional. The attempts that are made toward diversion accomplish but little, being clouded
with the realization that iron-bounecessitate an early return to routine. After a few
semesters, students become veritable Babbits. They
resign to the inevitable "standards:"
In England, students are not bound by the same
requirements. Theirs is a system which tends toward the development of individuality, thus giving a
personal appeal to education that creates high interest in study. The great English universities have
discovered that technical training alone is not sufficiently productive of great men. In addition there must
be developed creative imagination embossed upon
. learning. Last week, at the Sigma Delta Chi Founders'
Day banquet, President McVey stressed the value of
imagination, saying that the persons who lack it cannot hope to give anything to the world which will
live through the years and decades. His words were
truly spoken, for imagination has come to be a sort
of fourth dimension in the world of education whereby an added degree of efficiency, a finer finesse, isv
given to men and women.
One or two American universities have timidly
adopted the foreign idea, but only to a limited degree. They feel that it Is an experiment, but that is
as far as It goes. England has proved it beyond any
theoretical viewpoint. Why, then, do our schools
look at it with misgivings? It seems to be the better
system. It not only incorporates the best points of
the American system but adds culture, personal development and creative ability . . . things which the
Robots of America fall to confer upon the student
who desires to develop his abilities to their highest
The old order is constantly changing, advancing
to greater heightsvas new vistas of perfection are
seen. However, if students are tied down by routine,
their eyes become dimmed to those vistas. They become Babbitts pursuing a commonplace existence,
They bow to the mechanics of pure technical training without realizing they ard committing an educational crime in sacrificing imagination. And, in doing
so, they lose the chance to keep perpetually young.

Several years ago, when today's seniors were wearing rompers, the war department had stored in the
armory of the University a quantity of ammunition.
Some of the cadets had a fondness for it, and the
cartridges began to disappear mysteriously, in small
One of the regular army sergeant instructors, who,
although he long since has passed on to be supplanted
by our present efficient enlisted instructors, was ex- ceedingly popular with the cadets, concluded that
ujkhi his shoulders rested the responsibility of halting the ravages.
One day, at the beginning of eacti hour, the sergeant arraigned the class before him and informed
it of the ammunition disappearance; then, in emphatic tones, he declared: "We don't want no thieves
in this here colli tchl"
It was amusing. Of course. And the ammuni

tion shortage was nothing more than n prank. Certainly not. But the sergeant said something. He said
And the words of the sergeant, ungrammatlcnl ns
they mny have been, may be repeated nt this time
with grlih emphasis, From the library come reports
that books and bound magazines arc strangely missing. The soap dispensers In McVey hall have, apparently, takch themselves away. These are minor
things. In which probably no member of the student
Certainly not. A U. K. man is
body participated.
a gentleman and if he Is not lie soon departs for
other climes.
The recent establishment or a remote control
radio station nfr the University of Kentucky seems to
the Progress to constitute a forward step In the development of education in Kentucky. By means of
this arrangement with WHAS the vast amount of
educational information and talent to be found at
the University and In the Blue Grass region is made
available to radio audiences everywhere.
The immediate popularity which the programs
radiocast from this station have attained demonstrates clearly the Interest which Kentucklans everywhere manifest in their educational institutions and
the popularity thus obtained cannot help but add to
the momentum of the campaign for better schools
and school systems in the state which undoubtedly
an aroused interest in this field more than In
any other. It seems to demonstrate that education,
like business, must and will utilize to the fullest the
advantages for growth which modern science and invention offer.
The Eastern Progress congratulates the University
of Kentucky uijon the establishment of the station
and upon the splendid programs which It has arranged. Eastern Progress.



A unique course is offered at the University of
Texas this year for students whose health makes
them unfit for strenuous exercise. The new class
is termed the "sleeping course." This must be one
class you can sleep through without being bawled
A sorority goat at the Oklahoma A. and M. College
died as a result of drinking shoe polish at a sorority
initiation. The girl was said to have been blindfolded and told that "she must drink a dose of castor oil." She lifted the glass, which really contained
shoe polish, to lips and drank. Death followed a few
hours later.

are now
A number of Marshall College co-edebating the advisability of taking umbrellasjo home
economics class in order to insure their cooking efforts from ruin by the carelessness of certain absent-minde- d
college students. The simple cause of all the
trouble was a forgotten spigot in the biology laboratory which is located" just above the home economics
Students at the University of Mlnas Geraes at
San Baulo, Brazil, were present recently when a professor of medicine performed a difficult surgical operation upon himself.
The University of Hawaii has raised the sum of
Aware of the
Terpslchorean technique which rules the legs of
Hawaii, it is sane to predict the new stage will be a
stamping ground for hula hulas, and the entire
chorus can be attired in one bale of hay.
$1,000 to furnish the school a theater.

For the first time in the history of Stanford University a senior boy has graduated with a straight
"A" grade in every unit of the 180 required to earn
his diploma.


Florence Brewer. "Between War and Peace."
The MacMillan Co. New York, 1928.


mm fow--



"Saturday's Children," Kentucky,
First National picture. Corrine Griffith's first talking picture. Excellent performances and story.
The Ben All, "Honeymoon Flats,"
Universal picture on the screen and
"Whose Baby Is It?" on the stage

MHl mm

from the Sccman Players. Both
Items full of entertainment.
Remember, "The Flight of the
Duchess" at the Gulgnol, opening
Monday. It is a beautiful production and is the last play of the
season for that organization.

Here's Your Chance to Make Good

, ,rs



Yes, here I nm back on the pleas
ant Job of telling kind hearted read-

Fool." His name Is Davy Leo and
due to his excellent work In that
picture he was promoted to stardom
by Warner Brothers and his first
starring picture, "Sonny Boy," will
open at the Kentucky Sunday for.
a four-da- y
run. I have not recovered yet from the maudlin effects
of n song by the same name from
which the picture derives its title
but this attraction docs not have the
that characterized
"The Singing Fool." "Sonny Boy"
Is a pleasant little comedy of domestic life and is the first
picture to be made by a child
There arc times when the best
of us get what is commonly called "griped" but a few nights ago
we were sitting in the Strand listening to a beautiful selection being played by that master of the
console, Hyde C. Conrad. Breaking the enchanted spell of music,
a female voice piped up behind me
and between the smacks of her
chewing gum said to her escort:
"Gee, that guy can play some of
the mournfulllst stuff." And some
people wonder why music lovers
go crazy!
The Ben All will have a very imposing program starting Sunday. In
addition to the picture, "Trent's
Last Case," featuring Marcellne Day
and Lawrence Gray and the Seeman
Players on the stage in "The Old
Sea Dog," a special stage attraction
is offered in Lasses White,
well-knoveteran of minlstrelsy,
presentation. With
in his new unit
a billof that quality ypu cannot possibly go wrong if in 'search of

ers all the information fit to print
regarding the vast Institution of
the theater. It has been a great
pleasure to me to hear many readersbelieve It or n6t ask me when
I would reopen this department and
I only hope that their intelligence
will not be too greatly Insulted by
some of the things I suppose I will
Perhaps it would be well to tell
you the full meaning of the word
"Rlalto" In the cut appearing at
the head of this column. This
word is used almost universally
today to denote the theatrical section of any city. It comes from
the Italian and was originally used
as a name for the Grand Canal
district in Venice. Translated,
"rialto" means "deep river." So
you sec Its use Is very appropriate
here as a great many people will
know that what I write Is "all
Lexington theaters will boast three
extraordinary attractions next week.
The final play of the season at the
Guignol theater will open Monday
night, and what is perhaps the
greatest picture of the year will
open Sunday as well as the first
talking picture to be made by a
child star. With those varied productions in store, theatergoers will
be amply supplied with entertainment.
The Lafayette Amusement company is to be congratulated on the
new State theater. It is indeed a
tribute to theater architecture and
design and the admission prices
for the house are a tribute to
Current Attractions
clever management. All of 'which
"The Iron Mask," Strand, United
reminds me of an incident of a Artists picture. Douglas Fairbanks.
few days before the opening of the
You must see it.
State. I was wallklng along a
hall and some little
girl (she must be a freshman) was
you choseti
heard to say: "I think that State
is the TACKIEST name for a
picture show." Better go back to
Podunk, little one, where they
In the field of health service The Harvard University Dental School
the oldstop at the end of each reel.
est dental school connected with an
university in the United States offers
As the largest extravaganza of the i
courses In all
year on the screen "Show Boat,
branches of dentistry. All modem equipment for 'practical work under superUniversal picture, will open at the
vision of men high in the profession.
Strand Sunday for the world preWrite Jor details and admission requireis a
mier at popular prices. This
ments to Leroy It. S. Miner, Dean
picture that cost a huge sum of
monev and untold trouble in the
making but from all accounts it is
Boston, Mati.
Lonf wood Ave.
worth it. You have doubtless heard
of the musical comedy of the same
name that was produced on Broadway by Florence Ziegfleld and the
famous novel by Edna Ferber. The
motion picture version Is, In reality,
two shows.
The prologue is composed of the best parts of the stage
production recorded in movietone by
the actual Ziegfleld cast while the
remainder of the picture is the dramatization of Miss Ferber's novel
telling the highly romantic story of
life on the colorful show boats of
the Ohio, Missouri and Mississippi
rivers of half a century ago. Harry
Pollard directed the picture and the
cast is headed by Laura La Plante
with Joseph Shlldkraut. Otis Harlan and many other big names of
stage and screen in support. "Show
Boat" is entirely different from any-th- ig
else that has. ever been done
in the field of entertainment.
It as a genuine adventure.
By the way, did you know that
Lynn Reynolds was assigned the
direction of "Show Boat" and
aboat a week before he was to
leave California for Paducah, Ky.,
he committed suicide? This caused Universal all manner of trouble
until Harry Pollard was given the


There is a good deal of evidence to indicate that
the world Is rapidly becoming organized for peace,
Just as in the past it has been organized for war. So Job.
Of course you remember the little
also there is considerable and cumulating evidence
that the world is being educated for peace, just as in boy In Al Jolson's "The Singing
the past it has been educated for war. This book is
Cornell University
one of these evidences.
It was written by Miss
Boeckel. the education director of the National CounSession
cil for the Prevention of War, and is distinctly, as Its
subtltile Indicates, a handbook for peace workers.
in LAW
The book is divided into four parts. Part I, the
First Term, June 24 to July 31
introduction, contains a single chapter on focusing
CONTRACT. Professor Costigan.
the demand for peace. Part II, which deals with maUniv. of California, and Profesterial of interest to special groups, Is probably the
sor Orlsmore, Univ. of Michigan
most effective part of the book. It takes up such
PROPERTY I-- a, Professor Wilson and Assistant Professor
questions as education and peace, the church dnd
Farnham, Cornell University.
peace, women and peace, commerce and peace, labor
and peace, farmers and peace, war veterans and peace,
Wright, Univ. of Pennsylvania.
and young people and peace. The special interest of
Dickinson, Univ. of Michigan.
each of these groups in peace is carefully traced, and
JURISPRUDENCE, Ast. Profespresented In a very effective way.
sor Laube, Cornell University.
The third part, headed "Introduction to Further
Study of Influences for and Against World Peace,"
Professor English, Cornell University.
though it contains some excellent chapters is less satProfessor
isfactory. This is no doubt due to the fact that It
Dickinson, West Virginia Unideals with a large number of technical problems
which do not lend themselves to popular presentaSecond Term, Aug. 1 to Sept. 6
tion, and which can not be adequately treated in a
CONTRACT, see above.
brief review. Among the subjects taken up tin this
PROPERTY I-- a, see above.
part are the League of Nations, International Labor
Organizations, the World Court, the outlawry of war
Cheadle, Univ. of Oklahoma.
and the Kellogg Treaty, arbitration of international
NEGOTIABLE PAPER, Professor McCormlck, Univ. of North
disputes, international law, the Monroe Doctrine, the
war making power in the United States government,
INSURANCE, Professor Whiteand war debts and reparations.
side, Cornell University.
A final part on materials for a working program,
Professor Frlerson, Univ. of
contains a large number of practical suggestions on
..South Carolina.
what each person can do for peace, and gives a list
ADMIRALTY, Professor Robin-ho- n,
of the organizations working for peace. It also conBoston University.
tains a valuable bibliography.
In spite of certain limitations to which a book of
Students may begin the study of
law In the summer session.
this nature is inevitably subject, "Between War and
piece of work and ought to
Peace" is a creditable
For catalog, address the
serve a3 a valuable handbook for peace workers. For
all those interested in the problems of peace and war
Cornell Law School
Ithaca, N. Y.
the book contains much useful Information.

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