782 Special Problems in Horticulture. (1-4) I, Il, S 660 Physiology of Plant Diseases (3) II
I ° This course is rlosigned tolmréet the need for advanced work. Physiological aspects of plant diseases including effects of pathogenic
EB Mr?] kr; rcgs-uégrl for a tota 0 12 CI'€(llt$· PTGYSQ1 APDl'0Vi1l of UTEHUISIFIS on plant metabolism; host parasite interactions; and
  `'`S   ` ° ` $2$i3§S§“L`Sai"i.. $$22fZ 5"?Ei‘.“°°‘i. *’i"°’“‘i"’r `¥°"“r 3*""h““’°“
_, . . l fl II] 8 p yS100glC8 2 CC S 0 ISGBSBS OH
/90 I{CS(?(1TCl1l7`L HOTtlCllltllTC.   I, II, S Plants- DiS$>\1SSiUn 2 hours; lab 2 hours. Prereq: PPA 541, BOT
May be repeated to a maximum of 9 credits. Prereq: Approval of 50l> 9* €q¤1V¤l€¤t- Hrlmnfvn.
instructors. Staff.
H 768 Residence Credit for the Master’s Degree. (0)
May be repeated once. Staff.
"*     769 Residence Credit for the Doctor's Degree in
Biologzcal Sciences.
FACULTY I-18 Weeks residence. May be repeated indefinitely. Stag.
Richard Alexander Chapman, chairman 770 Plant Pathology Seminar. (1) I, II
i Reports and discussions of problems and investigations of problems
ul- PTOf€SSOTS QH Plant Pathology. May be repeated three times for a maximum of
nd Richard A. Chapman Ph.D., Illinois, 1948 °`" °"d“s‘ stm
ad. _ ‘ ‘ ‘ . ,
of Stephen Diachun Ph.D., lll1¤01S, 1938 784 Special Problems ui Plant Patholog
]ohn VV. Oswald Ph.D., California, 1942   to 3) I II S
I Gl'E11'lVil1€   Stokes   V)/’iSCO1'lS1I1,   Ning be repeated to a maximum of nine credits. Prereq: PPA 541
Harry E. \lVheelcr Ph.D. Louisiana 1949 ¤¤ OT 541, or consent of mstructor. Scarf-
r‘C_ . ) 7
,a Aqsociate Pmfeqsors 794 Research in Plant Pathology. (1-4) I, ll, S
` ` I l Prereq:‘ PPA 541_or BOT 541, or consent of instructor. May be
. R2lYmOHCl   Hampton Ph,D,, Wrgcongrp, 1960 ’¤P¤¤*¤d to ri maximum of 12 credrts, stag
Lawrence Henson M.D., Kentucky, 1933
H ]ames VV. Hendrix Ph.D., North Carolina State, 1963
'°‘l Thomas P Pirone Ph D Vllisconsin 1960
rd ` ‘ ° " ’ SOCIOLOGY
\V(\ _
ASSiSi¤1¤f Professors (See also Sociology Department courses,
Malcolm R. Siegel Ph.D., Maryland, 1962 College of Arts and Sciences)
Charles Y. Yang Ph.D., \Visconsin, 1964
» 1 · FAcULTY .
urf I
.c.. _ . . Thomas R. Ford chairman
md · C curse Descrrptzons ’
5 -7 · · . ~
>9r Special Problems in Plant Pathology. (1-4) I, II, S H
W i
May be repeated to zi maximum of 9 credits. Prereq: Consent ot OWa_rd_ alland Beers Pll·D·> C°l“€ll»  
instructor sm;} (Distinguished Professor)
thc . a ie S
pq: D4] Plant PaHlOZOgy· (3) I, H LxnLs éerghcn Brown Ph.D., Harvard, 1950
Significance, nature, causes, and methods of control of plant diseases. ' Cc O Cnlan   Cornell:  
Lgitiiregl a:dPrli¥t;ssiou, Evo liotiigbrltrbiéivo hopési Same as ?O'l£ Charles l\/Ijltgn Coughgnour P]]_D_, Missouri,  
instructor. Diachun, Chapman. Thomas   Fold   Vandelbllt,  
) [ 54.) Labor mm, for 541 Frank Anthony Santopolo Ph.D., Fordham, 1956
- r .
ilar '
·, 2 - . '
543 Diseases of Plants. (3) II Associate Professors
Symptloms, causes, und control of some of the more common repre- 1'l€lf1”}' KZITI SCllW2`ll’ZW€ll€l' Ph.D., CO1'I`lC1l,  
l I $5-’iF{`°E}“ £}{ZT1L.§l.““ii$2..£i$2$l“"$ZQ"ii.SS€i$.i}f’°ESI"si.Z.’I..Zl`€`l»$.?I?I,’Y   913*** Youmm Ph-D-» Michigan Sim 1953
  — PPA 541 or BOT 541, or consent of instructor. Sfaff_
"°‘l 544 Laboratory for 543. C D
- . . curse escri tions
( 656 Virus Diseases of Plants. (4) 11 P
I iiléifiifiilsIZii¤ZE?n£§T"’§{£Fiir€.$ir§2§'“3€ii 2§Si.§{‘“§? SER? i.$E§?FfZi $13 Kumi Cormnunifr A¤¤lrSiS· (3) I
l I virus diseases; eonsidoiatio;1 of research methods. Lecture and dis- The mtufc Of the *}>W{¤·¤¤¤¤¤’Y Communitlk with special emphasis on
lea- cussion, two hours; lah, four hours. Prereq: PPA 541 or BOT 541. lllc l“"°h°" lll ‘“Sl'l“*"’¥‘9l alld agency progmllls md lllcll lead"? ln
use m, consent of instructor. Dmdum. reiation to the community. Same course as HE 575. Prereq: SOC
ered 101 or consent of instructor. Ford.
$31-  Q 657 Laboratory or 656. .
lf 514 Rural Movements and Social Policy. (3) I
  Ngyyqgtgglg Diggdggg Of P[m]f,_g_   I Social factors in selected rural movements, their organization and
The irnpcrtnncc, effects, recognition and control of nematodes that d°V"l°p‘“°"l* ‘"ll“‘?“°“ ‘?l’°” g°"""'“"'""l l’°l'°"* “"d °l‘° "’°‘“l
L_ . _ . . . · l1C(3(l.S INCL PIETCI'1. An ]Utl’0(lUCtOl')’ CO\1l’5€ Of COI\SCl'lt of ll'\St1'\1Ct0l'.
ause plant diseases; physiology of plant parasitic nematodes and their B w
L S ` fvlaiions with other nematodes and plant pathogens. Lecture, 1 hour, m n'
V lah, 4 hours. Prereq; PPA 541 or BOT 541 or ZOO 534, or QOH- _ , , ,
sent cf inuriit-mi-. win he nacrca in inn of Oda ninnnr-rea years. 515 Diffusion of Technology in Modern Socxety. (3) I
I Q Cl‘”l’”l”"· A study of the personality, social structure, und change agent factors
’ ` . in the spread of new techniques suunng groups and individuals in
  L£ll)OTdlOT OT   modern society. Prereq: SOC 151, 153. (`miglicnour.