Sun,]/Ing?. SeSSiOn November 26, Z9, 30—-·r1`11L11'Sd8}’ thru Saturd:1y——'1`l1anks-
ing Ho11days—z1eadem1c holidays
-1 . . · 1——·`i *—-Lt:1t 1'tll 'd
]une 10,11-Monday and 111CS(121}'—-1`{Cg1S1Zl’£lt1()ll December 3 lUda1 ._ as, d‘11 0 Sunm .3, Ycqmf
_ 7 ,_ __ T _ `_ __ _ T; T _ - _ documents to Registrar s Office for 2ldl]11SS1<)l1 t0 tre
]unc l-——\'\ L(111LS(1.1}-(,1.155 nor Jcgms . . . _
- _ _ .1 _ 1969 Spring Semester
]uue 17--Monc1ay—1.ast day to enter an organiaed class __ , T _ _ T;
for the Summcr Session Dccernber 1-1-Saturday-—Class wor e11ds I
7 ` _ ` _` _ . December 16-21—1\Iondav thru 52]tL11'(.1£1}'—·1‘1111]l Exam-
]une --}—Monday—-Last day to drop a course without a Tmtiom ·
21“°1“ —·i 21-s1 ·»-E (1 f1·`l s- 1
]une Z-}, 2;—··\1(l11(l11\' and '11uesdav—Last days for filing Dcum mr '.,   11[ddi 11 O 3 1 ` Cmqs Cr . ,
. . · _ · - , December --}—1uesda1——.·\1l grades due in Registrars
application for an .·\ugust degree 111 College Dean s _
Office by -}:00 p.m.
Office ·
]uly -}——'1`lmrsday—·1ndependenee Day 1loliday—aca-
de111ic lioliclay . .
]u1y 2-}—\1onday—Last day to drop 11 class before end   Spllng Sefnestel
of summer session
]u1y 29—A1onday—Last day to submit all required doe- lunuary 1>, 1‘1—·N1011(.121}’ and 1l1CSC121}·—C13SS117CH1l011,
uments to Registrars Oflice for admission to the QIYUTS1191N-1Y1}'$*i1€`?1(1€1111C11911(1?1Y$
1968 Fall Semester registered T
;\ugust 7—\Vedncsday——End of S1111n11er Session ]anuary l>—\\’ednesday—C1ass work begins T
.·\ugust 9——Friday——.·\ll grades d11e in Registrar`s Office 1Z11111211'}' 21-—1uesday—-Last day to enter an organized
by -}:00 p.m. class for the Spring Semester
]anuary 27-\1onday——Last day to drop a course wit11-
out a grade
I 1211111.1l'}’ 27, 2S—\1onday and '1`uesday——Last days for
  Fal SGIHG-S`t€1 filing application for a \1ay degree i11 College
Dean's Office
]uly 29—\1onday·—Last day to s11b111it all required doc- \1arch (1-,1111111'S(111§'-—-1111(lC1’g1'2l(1l1H1C rnid-ter111 grades
111110115 to Registrar`s Office for admission to t11c due in Registrars Otiice by -1:00 p.m. I
1966 Fall Semester \1areh li-2`5—Saturday thru Sunday—Spring vacation
.·\ugust 26, 27—\1onday a11d Tuesday—C1assif1cati0n, March 2S—l·`rid;1y—L11st day to withdraw from a class
registration, and orientation for students not pre- before finals
registered .\pri1 1--'1`ucsday—Last day for out-of—state freshmen
.·\ugust 28-\Vednesday—C1ass work begins to submit all required documents to Rcgistrar's
T September 4—\Vednesday—Last clay to enter an organ- Office for admission to the 1969 Fall Semester
ized class for tl1e Fall Semester \1ay ?——Saturday—-End of class work
g September 9—K1onday-—Last day to drop a course Xlay 3-l0—\1onday thru Saturday——Final Examinations
1 without a grade \1ay 9——l·`riclay—Last day to submit all required docu-
  September 10: 11—'1`uesday and \\7C(111CS(lL1}'—-1..2151 days ments to Rcgistrar's Office for admission to the
` for filing application for December degree in Col- 1969 Summer Session
1 lege Dean’s Office Nlay 111-S111111'(l11§'-—lS11(1 of Spring Scrnester
1 October 2l—\I1>nclay——Undergraduate 111l(1-1(J1'111 grades \1ay l1-—-$1111(1L1§`-—BL1C`CL`11Hl11'C1l1'C·—\1CS1)(l1'
1 due in Registrar's Office by -}:00 p.m. \1;1y 12——\1onrlay—l02ncl .\11111lT11 Coimnenceinent
T November ll—\1onday—Last day to withdraw from a \1;1y l¥—-'1'ucsday—.\l1 grades clue in Registrars Oilicc
1 class before finals by -}:00 p.m.
, 1968 1969
APRIL T _lL'LY OCTOBER _\1\X1'.-\It\` T .\1’11||,
S M T W T F $1 S x1 T W T 1* s ‘ s xi T W T 1* s s XI T W T 1* s 1 s X1 T W T 1·‘ s
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MAY 5 TT -T TT- T T; S s xi ’1‘ w T 1* s ” 11 1 “ 1 1‘ ’ ; s NI T W T 1* s
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111 20 21 22 2:1 24 253 TTT Tg sT, sT .2 a-124,17 is 19202122 2:1 113 1§1’i2Q212211s1+12112122 212-1
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' 1 \1.·\I1<111 1
]UNE   S1i1"1`1i\lRlZR 1 D1C(Z1·ZM1’.1iR S \1 '1` \\' '1` 1·` S _11'Nl·]
11 s x1 T W T 1* s 1 s X1 T W T 1* s 11 s x1 T W T 1* s
9101112131-115 s SJ11111121:11-11 s 111o11121:11·1 *11111112111-113 s ~11111112111-1
16171819 20 2122 1316171S1920211l3 111 17 1141921121 11117 1S 1921121 22`13 1617 1S1512112l
23 2-125 26 27 28 29 22 25% 2-1 23 26 27 28122 21 21 23 26 27 28 21 2-I 23 26 27 2S 29 ”2 2% 2I 23 26 27 28
SO _2<1 :211 -111 so .11 *11 11 ` *11 so