A General   V Martha Hall Langdon ’31
, IS a ret1red court reporter. She
VV f _ lives in Santa Rosa, Calif.
      4** Elugoh Milton ’1§)i)’2igi, ’53
_ ’·‘   V   ,V 1  ’’¢’  as een onore y ew . V _ _ _
  V -! Mexico State University in A ,3 Vfrgulla Krcugh l$>*}¤S9¤
  I   Las Cruces with 3 ggven-{O0; wi B   YۤEI`iiCl HOW 3DCl lV1Dg IH
    ‘ 1,  bronze statue of himself i C lr’ '
·   ,,__:v/     fi   erected by the Uinited i l V? V  
  if     V Veterans Council. He arrived V ~ Ginny Snider ’39, ’5() is rc-
      ;, /'’/ ’ i  at the college, then known as ; tiring from Belleville Area Col-
      ; Vi.],  New Mexico A & M in 1924.   lege in Belleville, lll., after 28
'-‘n     Wi};   — He was named dean of ,3 years of teaching math there.
engineering 11 years later and assumed the , V   , j Her teaching experiences range
presidency in 1938. T   V »·, from one-room schools to col-
Talking about the honor, Milton said, "l hope that . VV/4 iii;     leges. She is a World War Il
students passing the statue will say, ‘Here is a person   , ’ Navy veteran who taught radio
who was just a plain old common man who, when the   . M repair at Scott Air Force Base
time came to go to war, gave up his civilian pursuit ‘, af   ’   during the Korean War.
to preserve freedom.’ "   '     % V
During WW II he served as chief of staff under Lt. Mi-‘~/·°' i " ·· 3
Gen. Oscar Griswald and helped plan and execute .» _ Ji;    
the liberation of most of the Philippines’ prison f   » i    
camps. He was awarded a Silver Star and a y Y -   ' . Lgugs M` flogicrtsmlg, 43 mi
battlefield promotion to brigadier general.   i`   H;malrO;;su?ai;;;aGi_;£mC;;
He returned to the college in Las Cruces in 1946.   I .     June HC had Worked {Oi? [hc
He was then asked to become president of New   ;~VV(  *’ ~·¢~ VV com `an {Or ,31 Cars as district
Mexico Military Institute. By 1951 he had been   ’ Salcspmayna Ci gobcrison is an
promoted to major general and named to oversee   activ mcrgb   Oi. ih UK N_ _
reserve and ROTC programs, ln 1953 President   . (5A]   V.C . A
Eisenhower appointed Milton assistant secretary of         A · mma umm SWURUOU
the Army. A/i‘  
From 1958 to 1961 he served as undersecretary of       l _
the Army before returning to Las Cruces to become _, __ ` » » I  
vice president of the First National Bank. He retired · ,     ·~  
m 19_71' _ _ _ _ U ft!  . ` been elected to the National
Milton, now 89, lives w1th his wife of 53 years, iii; ~_ Association Of lmcrcollcglaic
Josephine, outside of Las Cruces. They met on a I   V Athletics (NAIA) Hall Oi Fgimg
college hayride when she was a music student and he V _i ~ . ·* i` An Erskine College baseball
was head ofthe mechanical engineering department. __‘,_;iV_ _ Coach Since 1957V Slillc was ln_
Before going to New Mexico, Milton earned _¢__“_  A ducted imo the NAIA Hall Ol
bachelor and master degrees at UK. WW I     Fame May 22 in Lcwlsum
interrupted his studies when students in the   '   ldahil HC ls [hc dean Ol NAI/{
_ PF€d€€€$S0T YO ROTC €“h$t€d· _ ~.__ ____V if A   if baseball coaches in South Caro-
"When war broke out, we alljust walked out," he "     llna and has more than 400 COl_
said. Serving in the United States, he commanded a 5      `_   lcglaic Coachlmg vlcmrlcs IO his
field-artillery battery with horse drawn field pieces  V ‘ V i  V ’ Cljcdlli Silllc has bccn mlmcd
_ and caissons dashing across the countryside in what   , _, __ { District Coach Of the YUM [Our
he remembers as the most colorful part of his career. ` V A 1, · ·*·*- limes. HC was named South
"To command even a battery at that speed is   ` ~ V V Carolina Collegiate Coach Ol
really a thrill," he said.     ` the Year in 1965 1984 and
As a reserve ofhcer in the New Mexico National 1985. Silllc is maimed (U the
Guard, he was called to active duty as a lieutenant former Rebecca Cmwlbrdi
colonel in 1941. Given the opportunity to serve in
Europe, he requested duty in the Pacific where 42
former A & M students had been taken prisoner by
the japanese when the Philippines surrendered.  
"I wanted to et over there and et those boys  
back," Milton siid. "They were al? friends of mine, Wlllhain E` Eiimonsmn V6_0
. ,, reccntly announced the release
and all had been students of mine. Ol. his third book mrhc lmlub
The desire to free his comrades, he says, "was a . . _. _;, .
_ ,, tion of Hypnosis through W1-
Vcry (mmpcllmg force ley and Sons l’ublisl1ers. He
UK 27