Foreign Lobbying Medicol Geogropher Elderly Breothing l
UK Political Science Professor Chung While most research related to Alzhei- A UK psychology professor, Dr. David l
In Moon felt there was no clear, schol- mer’s Disease takes place in medical T. Berry, and a UK medical specialist,
arly research, within an analytical laboratories, UK geography professor Dr. Barbara Phillips, are studying l
framework, on the lobbying efforts of Gary Shannon is also looking into the sleep-disordered breathing in the elderly
foreign countries in the U.S. capital. crippling disease of the elderly. Shan- in an effort to find out just how often it t
Now, having completed his research on non, a medical geographer, says Alz- occurs and how harmful it may be. ,
South Korea’s lobbying, Dr. Moon is heimer’s victims often lose their sense of The UK researchers are studying sub- {
at work on a study of the comparative time and place, which can cause confu- jects who are 60 years of age or older  
lobbying strategies of three foreign gov- sion and seemingly aimless wandering. and looking at three phenomena associ- l
ernments: South Korea, Taiwan and Victims often are no longer able to find ated with sleep-disordered breathing——  
japan. He’s found four distinct types of their way to a once-familiar store. Simi- cardiopulmonary disturbances, hyper- '
lobbying by a foreign country: 1) hiring larly, such people sometimes are unable somnolence (excessive sleepiness) and  
"power peddlers"—persons with power to adjust to new surroundings, ie. a intellectual variables (changes in mental t
and influence—to represent the coun- nursing hOIT1€, and will lose grasp ofthe acuity). They want to find out if these l
try; 2) hiring American technical and concept of "home." Where do geogra- conditions, in the cldgrlyl point to a  
legal experts because American foreign- phers come in? Shannon says there’s a pathological elisturbanee and result in
policy issues are increasingly more tech- need to design or modify the home and exaeerbation of rnental and physical tle- `
nically and legally complex; 3) forming hospital €l'1VlI‘OI1I1'l€1‘li to 8.CCOHlITlOd21t€ terioration, Sleep-disordered breath- l
political coalitions with domestic actors the I1€€ClS of victims and keep them in- ing, Dr. Berry says, occurs in perhaps l
through functional networking of mutu- dependent as long as possible-such as one-thirel gf persons over 50 and is ele- °
al interests; 4) mobilizing grassroots designing hallways and rooms to have a {ined as the prgsencc of three events- l
support among U.S. residents with distinct appearance and function to apnea or absolute pause in breathing l
ideological or ethnic ties to the foreign minimize confusion. On a broader Wlnen lasts for at least lt) seeOnds’ deep X
(;()u¤try_ scale, Ih€ 3.CU.12il lOC?:IflO1'1S of IlL1I`Sll'lg iri amplitude of breathing, arid drop in
homes and other support facilities need arterial oxygen saturation_ l
to be planned to adequately serve vic- l
tims and their families without being
too far away. I
Shannon is working with Dr. Gra- `
ham Rowles of the Multidisciplinary t
Center of Gerontology, also a geogra-
pher, to determine future research in
the "geography" of Alzheimer’s
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Medicol geogropher Gory Shonnon
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