Urban patterns and literary
metaphors, the rite of passage which is ’
the learner’s permit and the servitude l
that is the bank automobile loan, the ,.· —
drive-in restaurant and the summer   .
cottage in the mountains—all of these    · . ~ ·""“° "’£` 1_
have been the cultural developments of `   7 i
that mechanical contrivance we if ,4;
summarily describe by the word   P ~   V V
‘ ‘wheels. ’ ’ _ l G    n F
First set running on the road 100      
YCHTS 3.gO   two GCYIHKH €IIglI\€€I`S  Y  Q.  ,j   
working separately on the project, ,     ,
Gottlieb Daimler and Karl Benz, the  ·4*?iliZ`·>§ ;, ’  I —
automobile was made democratic V °     A if .   `
. transportation by Henry Ford who  
rehned the assembly line technique of wants, among other things to be "taken {
production. Ford once remarked that to a cinema in the evening and driven  
he did not care what color his cars were afterwards along the beach in a closed  
so long as they were all black. By the Buick."  
time he made that remark, however, In the world today there are over l
automobiles of all colors and shapes 300,000,000 cars daily driven along the l
were roaming the world. As early as beaches, over the mountains, along the
1901, the French had 55 trucks highways, and downtown.
operating in the African Sudan, at a The Gaines Center of the  
time when there were only 304 motor Humanities, the Appalachian College  
cars in Great Britain. The novelist Alex Program, the Theatre Department and  
Waugh in his travel account, Hat Art Museum of the University of ,
Counhies, published in 1930, writes that Kentucky, in conjunction with Union {
he knows that the average Tahitian College, recently provided an occasion {
for the public to reflect on the  
automobile as a major element in [
contemporary public behavior and  
cultural form.  
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