the first green shows in the buds ened canes during the summer and is
; 1 and be discharged with every heavy fall, Many of them emerge from  V HH
1 i mln- OH F0b1`U¥U'Y 23- Ylllc SPOYOS the winter dead, and the verdict is  
f were found in dead leaves at that ··,,.,‘,,{(,- ,‘,,_i,(,·y" did jt_ in z I
i ` PI`i“°°t°“ uml it is likclr wilt wb reality it is a combination of the Lia
l L spores have already Htatulicd m several factors, and very often win~ fr
E n1a11y other orchards in western wr iujurv phws a uw`, mmm, or HU 0
T Kentucky. “ · `- ` blt
_· ,, . .‘ . . part at all lll 1t. _ I
· llns tact would seem to indicate ._ x __ _   r -, 1 _ W, lf
V that the earlv spravs reeonnnended Itdh gcutmul Hm:”’uM0( (mm T . ttl
· ( ‘ ` horticulturtsts that sunnner spray
111 the spray schedule may he _ _ , ._ _ _` 011
"   V 11€G€SS81‘y this year if the early and tug tor the control ot these diseast s , iu;
= l most dangerous infections are to be 15 tl ll°C‘J“ll}`_ tl """ l“t"“‘lS to k°"l` ve
; p1·€\·(¤ntt¤d_ '[‘ll(»l·efU1·(»_ gl-O“·Ql-S llls ptltcll 2l.llY(§ ()\'t‘l° S0\'{!l'2ll }'CtIl`S gr
' » should be prepared to put on the and make a profit. 'l`lns was again Im
Q , first scab spray as soon as the green expressed hy our Mr. W. W. Mzngill, Pp
i of the buds is distinctly evident. Dr, XV, D, Yalleau, Dr. ·l. ll. Jore tip
  unless the early blooming period is (lan, and ltr, tt. M. Ilarrow ot` the lh
_· ` · warm and dry when the tirst spray U s_l)_,\_ at the reeent l(entnck_v In
` may llc flclalvml lllllll will lllwiltclls llortienltnral t'onvention. \\'eather “ pc
I , ` OY lmlll lll" "l“‘l“` buds 1****** conditions, during the sunnner an·l of
  ; SClmm‘l(`d‘ winter, play a big part in the cll'·‘~· en
  tiveness ol` a spray program. l-`ol mi
if ¢ { SPRAY FOR RASPBERRIES lowing a dry season heuetits front lll
r ,—_’   \V· D- ARMSTRONG spraying may lie very small or Uilll- fl"
  J The i-ngpbe;-ry dogg best in goo] not be noticed at all; but following th
ii ¤ weather and short summers, when tt \\‘0t **‘¢1#<>¤ *\t<‘lt 2** l*’*l* ll _{"**S* if
QQ g diseases do not have an opportunity hc <‘¥t>·‘<‘l<‘' t!"*‘l'l "ll""l` m
l¢   to build up to the destrnetive pro- will he noticed. often enough lo
2-     portion that they do f;u·th€·i· gputlp ltlctttt the tlll¥(‘1'(*ll(‘t‘ l»t*t\\°et‘11 llie  _ {111
    That is why they grow to sneli per. loss of a complete crop and a good ac
QE; fection in sections of Minnesota, harvest. The S]ll`2l}`S.i!l't‘ ot cout- ‘  
    ~ Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, paratively little heneht to the croti wt
  and other northern regions, Ag of fruit to which they are apptze. tl1
  they are grown farther south it but keep the leaves of the. new . sp
  becomes increasingly more tlitfienlt canes clean and tree troin disease wt
ifi °`  for them to succeed due to the so that they may produce a crop bc
igfilii warm weather and increased dis- the following year, ev
  ‘ -· CRSC ])1'Obl€II1S. TlliS is p£i1‘tl