L as it has been known for some time posed to spray, consumers, and re-
, that this variety is resistant. Wliile tired orchardists. l Vo
j the Early Harvest is not considered Each of these persons will be ——
an important variety in Kentucky, given tl11·ee examinations before the
i this information is very valuable, work is completed, but Dr. Dreessen .
in that it gives the information as assured listeners there were already
; ° to a variety that can be grown in indications that recommendations i
A locations where woolly apple aphid would result that would materially .
» injury is known to be severe and aid in the spray residue problem.
where other commonly grown varie— It was the Public Health Service
ties are not profitable because of it. work already done that brought  `
·  . ` This woolly apple aphid is por- about last fall’s tolerance changes. c ll
’ i ticularly injurious to young apple —Bettcr Fruit.  - He d
. trees in the nursery, and in early V cf
years in are orchard. it attacks an Anvmarrsxne raoenams   °"l"
Z parts of the tree but is particularly SPREADING Q ct tl
injurious on the roots where it is C E Chase See,.ctm,\,_~\I,m,,gm, ' Conf
o e rccccllccllr lccccccllclc. cc. cclcccl of are iwasiiirigma Aplaié Leila-. {$,21
the pest by Spray apPh°3‘t1OnS· tising commission rcports—\Vash- · Of ]
_ ington growers are pleased with fiold
- EXPERT FORECASTS SPRAY the advertising campaign the pres- A and
· ` RESIDUE AID cut season. Michigan, Ohio, llli-  , J_ T
y . An onsoheauioa but ruler-Cairo ;§§T,QZ;;‘f,Y“,¤,§."2,§§"ff‘§,j"’QQ§§f,f,f§ lem
‘ talk at the Wasliingtoii State Horti- fm,. .ee,;pp]se,.,,( ,.p.p,eptE fp,. edi  » dnl
l l cultural Society Convention in \.e,.tiap,,, pe   , ile; like. thege in I ug
pi Yakima was made bv Dr. NV. C. pnlepilzt ll? ` i an
‘ Dreessen of the United States P ih- ( ` ·]” fm S- 8 Q` - · - J' L
. . . I A lull is being drafted in l\I1chi· 2 tuck
_, l1c Health Service. Dr. Dreessen U .1 · ,1 F _
c ¥i has been in charge of the "human "im “ ml pmlldes for it tax Of I HM
; r . . ’=. cent per bushel to be paid bv each tv 1:
  ; guinea p1g" work in the Wexiatcliee W , , _ f H I I p ‘ _ {   I
  laboratory where spray residue ¥llO“c1 gra ami-CS lc Sc Sexciip `
_ i g Work is in prowess. rose _go1ng to vinegar factories. Ken
r s ». *= \\ ashington has such a law in well
c »     Scmc 1200 ll€l`$Qll$ ll?ll'€ bccn €X· force and they are collecting ap- I com
  cmlcccl lc determme llm elliccl? (lf proxiinately $100,000.00 annually — in v
  ;;;(;1I?ti1€°§agi1a(l(Y;;;[5il§;;q%?€t:;$£g xliicp is being psed to advertise ’ tion:
Nl = · ·· c asnngt n . v . ` . . 'o . m
j     ` to complete the job will be required, wa}-_ iiijfeh.   igeipr:1   ·  
    . __ but when itlis finished, the Public to a(p·m-Use {md Sep tllc apples · will
  ; Health Seryiee will be able to deter- from other states, Mr. Chase, man- . can
it \ géggg €X?}CthY “’}?ll?1?;lll({llllt of SPl`?ly agler of the \Vashington program. 3bOi
    D ge IS arfn H _ 0_ lllmimsi was said recently at the Illinois Horti- furt
_o -;,. I`· ccccccnc Ollmlon- cultural Society convention that Tal
v_    Of the ·1200 examined, Dr. the purpose of their campaign was PPGF
   { Dreessen said there were 700 men being served as long as it stimulated Z  lhél
,.v;4   and 400 Women and 100 children. the interest in, and the sale of 1 9KDf
    _ They have been classified into apples; whether they were eastern — duct
.   groups: orehardists constantly ex- apples or western apples. ¤ tllfcl
e_ ' H1€H`
_   "  Q E:
E?   c was
. i . e BUL
3 ° ` 8  -`