
                            February 23, 1935

Mr. M. J. Crutcher, Supt.,
Buildings and Grounds
University of Kentucky
Lexington, Kentucky

Dear Mr. Crutcher:
                  An inspection was made of the building
known as Buell Armory on February 22, and this inspection
revealed the fact that the third floor of this building
was being used as assembly halls and that at some classes
there are about one hundred and fifty students using this
floor at one time.

                  This building is in strict violation of
Section 1830, Chapter 51, of the Kentucky Statutes due to
the fact there is only one exit from the third floor to
the ground, and this exit is the stairway in the center of
the building, almost directly over the location of the fur-
nace.   In case of a fire starting from the furnace that
might involve the stairway, all means of escape from the
third floor of this building would be cut off.

                   This building must be vacated on third
floor as assembly rooms, or sufficient fire escapes must
be erected to assure free egress from this part of the
building in case of fire.

                    Please advise this office at once as to
the action that will be taken regarding this violation.


                               (Signed) C. J. Henry
                                         Chief Fire Department