
                                    March 22, 1935

    Dr. Frank L. MoVey, President
    University of Kentucky
    Lexington, K a tubby
                             Re: Proposed fire escape on Buell
    Dear Dr. McVey:

                    In reply to your letter of Mlarch 19, in re-
    gard to the type of fire escape that should be erected on
    the Buell armory.

                    A type "A" fire escape should be erected on
    the front of the building.   I am enclosing a copy of speci-
    fications for the erection of fire escapes in the State of

                    Due to the fact that the third floor of this
    buildinag is som tiie s occupied by more than a hundred stu-
    dents, and there is only one reans of egress from the third
    floor, this building constitutes a serious life hazard in
    case of fire, and I sincerely trust that this matter will
    be taken up with the Board of Trustees at the earliest pos-
    sible date.


                                     (Signed) C. J. Henry
                                               Chief Fire De-

     The members of the Board discussed at some length the ques-
tion of fire hazard and dangers existing in this particular in-
stance of Barker Hall.   r.Ir  Hillenmeyer moved that the fire es-
cape be provided and, on second, the motion was dully passed and
the Superintendent of Buildings and Grounds ras authorized to pro-
cure bids for the construction of the required fire escape and
that these bids be reported to the next meeting of the Executive

     11. Lease of Property - Kappa Sigma Fraternity.

     President McVey presented the following letter relative to
lease of property to Kappa Sigma Fraternity for the purpose of
constructing a chapter house thereon: