
Modification of Appointment:

     Mr. Brooks Hamilton and Mr. Marvin Dunn changed from ten
to twelve months' basis, Department of Hygiene and Public Health.

     Miss Mary Kerr transferred from summer session office to
Training School office, salary $85.00.

Rea-pointments, College of Commerce, for Period of One Year,
effective July 1, 1935:

     William A. Tolman, Instructor in Economics.
     Philip McGee, Part-time Instructor in Secretarial Practice.
     Jane Earle Middelton, Secretary.
     Martha D. Couch, Stenographer.
     David H. McKinney, Research Assistant.

Change of Title:

     Title of Miss Mary L. Didlake who is now Assistant Entomolo-
gist and Botanist in Experiment Station, changed to Associate Ento-
mologist and Botanist.

Leaven of Absence:

     Thomas L. Snyder, technician in Department of Bacteriology,
for months of June, July and August, without pay.

     Dean Alvin E. Evans of the Coliege of Law, sabbatical leave
for the year 1935-1936, on half pay.    He expects to accept a fel-
lowship in research work in Harvard Law School or a visiting pro-
fessorship in Michigan.

     Fordyce Ely, Dairy Department of the Experiment Station, sab-
batical leave for the period September 25, 1935, to September 1,
1936, with half pay.   He expects to study at the University of

     Mrs. Esther Cole Franklin, Department of Political Science,
for remainder of collegiate year, effective April 1, 1935.


     W..R. Roy, Assistant Chemist in the Experiment Station, ef-
fective April 30, 1935,    He will accept a government position in

     Miss Marie Forsting, secretary, Training School office, ef-
fective April 1, 1935; accepted a government position.