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 up e   New CONDITIONS, N sw Durnas. at  
, ;“ _ ROBERT McDOW’}]LL ALLEN, i 
  . .   3
  .-lvl erolu/fun I/ict! sirwclis fum rz. g1·uinI:·r day,  
"   B When man enters the world's first traditions, he enters conditions. The . ·
·` frost was cold and the rain chilled him, and his hunger demanded food.  
is There was a snarl from the sunless forest, and his brother, like himself, Q
, was>waring and barbarious. Every day, every sun, c`very mountain caused  
-him to wonder. The night came on and every star wasa mystery, Q  
l ‘Man met th1·ee problems—three problems which he must face if he would ly j
f exist-three problems which he must solve if he would be civilized. To lr é
', ¤ protect himself, to beat off the frost and rain and feed his hunger, to know ; E
’ Q more of the mystery. · ,_,; 
To beat off the frost and rain and feed his hunger, he built his bark-  
, thatched hut and went forth with his bow into the trackless forest in search
of food; ‘T[‘0-day tbe problem points in its .solution to the industries which
* build the palace and heat and light the cottage, which produce and distrib-
ute at lns will every necessity and luxury man`s abilities and needs can
_ desire.
To protect himself, and he gathered his tribe into a village and surround»
- ed it with a wall and practiced the crude elements of government with a
chief to direct and a warrior to guard-later, a king and a soldier. To-day
the problem points in itsrsolution to the republic with its judge and lawyer,
d with its great organization of society and government, with their constitu-
tions and codes, with their many laws and mighty principles.
To know more of the mystery, and his astroliger taught him to read the
futureof histtribe in the setting of the star. To-day he is melting the
sands and through the telescope is reading the harmony of. the universe in
the track of the planet; and out of his desire to learn more of the mystery .
” . around him, he points to the teacher and preacher, the phylosopher and
. scientist, with their literature and art in education, and above all, areligion
~-which worships only a being of love and truth.
"Man was barbaric, but bravely he met his conditions. Slowly while
` ~ years became pyramids and castles, at the sacrifice of kingdoms and creeds
and giving his life upon the block and battlefield for the triumph of right ,;,
he has been solving the problems, and knows the elements of a glorious in
. civilization. ‘ I  
, The centre of thought to.day is the industrial question, never before    
has it been greater, more complex or more seemingly unsolved. Mans . "  
wants have multiplied, and the systems to produce and distribute them   ' 
. have correspondingly grown to be many and great ones. Une by one he r l
has utilized the energies of nature to turn the wheels of thc factory and of ij  
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