Th e K '
QHTUCIQQ Alumnus *  I
• • and women to attend our Univer-
6   G   n g S     G   u m n I Sity will be of more ellect than you _ I
i _ _ Jerha is realize. The Alumni of
BY G'*""'"‘ °"““""’ P"“'d”"‘     ,II,     Ihc time-stty em give it ..tt..—C I
I In “”$“‘“l"g lhs I”“SI‘l“““I” OI   Strength than any other one source
  our Alumni Association, your new   y   ,    of influence. Your voice is heard
I I’I`€SId°‘“ is h“I’I’Y “’ l"Ii‘”`III YOII     . .   not only on the campus but tt·her» y
{ that he is now heading the largest     I   ever you may be. A
 _ Alumni Association in the history       Particularly this year we hope .
  Of Out U¤¤ir¢¤‘SI¤>’- CMIII for this           I‘`I:yIn   to see more Aroma ents organ»
r  IIIIISI go I0 thc *`“[I1`iIIIe’§ UIZHCCYS       _     it A ynI‘ `   ized. There are many communities
i —~‘I¤<>S¢ I<>r=·I¤r MI ¤¤Ii¤‘i¤s sffens     ,   A as * at all are- the cmttrtr—y“tttto~e we are
have MIC the 1¤>SSiI>I¤; ¤IS<> ·<>   ..a_.‘Ie I it   · »   wot rmt-setrtett, but tary not get
the dCVO[iOIl HIl(l (lllig(}Ill. \\'()l`li Ol.         {()g(j[h€]~ and ()]·g;u)i[€? rfhc bot-
~ your Executive Committee of the  iyg i   iiili   ter organized we are, the stronger
University A l U m H i Association I    and gmalcr our Lrnivcrsily will bc_
L who meet monthly, often at great ;gg’ (Gmc, {md mmc day wc Um how
  personal sacrifice, to carry on the .;i}fi·‘ to be the leading educational in-
' duties assigned to them. Espec— Qi: stitution of the South. To that end
. ially do we credit our secretary, i and to a greater University, we
Miss Marguerite McLaughlin, in pledge our ellorts for l944 and
`. whose capable hands has Iiallen ’ 1945. " .
y;  the hard task ol editing the Alum- _____________ y
Q E nus and running the Alumni oliice. Gmver `cme h
  Through this war period our C AI¤|'¤¤i A$$°¤I¤II¤¤ H°Id$
  Hrst thoughts are always with our tnent. Being an active Alumnus Annunl Business Meeting
  thousands of Alumni who are so certainly gives you a closer tie _ _ _ ‘
  bravely and brilliantly serving our with your Alma Mater, and we rIIII'_ i*I““‘“} ·“I“€"'I% "I the
  C0untry`s cause. Vie have many want more and more like you. who ·'\II"““' ’\$”"(`Iak"?“ was _hCl(l at
  €0mlnunications from our Alumni are now active in the Association. MII ‘)i€I‘)Ck I`I`“laY uIml"l""'I¤
  Scattered all over the globe, and The active Altnnni are the ones IIIIIC 2- III [IIE (’I“‘I Hull Ul thc . ·
  ?I1‘€ always delighted to hear from who make it possible to keep the UIII‘"I l’“II‘l‘_“¥· thc l"1““I‘I“‘“· H'  
  YOU and trust that you will keep Association a going concern, and I)- I)*III“"I`“· III [hc (`lmm l{°I"”`IS 1
~ In COHt3ct with your Association. we feel sure you take great pride were made bl. thc Cxcculwc WO _ cl
. W€ are working closely with the in knowing your Association is Ii°I*II`Y ·md II`°`€*SI'I`°"`· and thc nom- t
f  University officials. giving them accomplishing so much. \\’on’t IIIaIIfI¥—{ ""I“‘I_"““" "‘I""“"°€d thc .
 is the advantage of the opinions of you ask the Alumni you know to €I°IC*I"II»"I (’I""“` (*"°“°h,If’ thc w,;·#
  the AIUHIITI as you eicpress them join with you in the Sllpp0l`t Oli <>II1¢¤ _°l l)m§ld€ul; Dmic Ihurni  
  tv IIS- IVE Want yott to come back the Association? Hm' {IFC I)l`Cs1dCm’ wld PIT Gcmigc
  to the campus and find gt greater We would like for every Alum- H- WIIWII and lf K h`a"_k°l‘ WT
  University than when yon left As nits to be an agent and a mission- ¤I¤<`I¤II€g€, I`°’I“I`¥* MIX Llhcl R1_x’ Willi llilrs $· 5
 U h? m0St successful front the stand- won`t you contact them and speak I’“°II PIIIW $“"`“I"I`}I I"l" lg Y?‘l'l”* t- f
  of ])Z1i(l—up ntgntlmrgltip, yet gt word lor KCll[ll(`k}°? Your inIlu— was gliillllul il licalis ICM'; Ul (I )- ; ttl gy
I  itherc is 1`00111 for more improve- ence in ill