C   S S O F I 9   greetings to our Alma Mater, the
_l’ great University of Kentucky, to
  ;, __ V A V A   A A V   V     VV     its distinguished President, its out-
‘ V _   · · . ~.   :.,: _·   V. _;__ -       »v···   standing Board of Trustees and 1tS
[WO   A ,,·_., . AA ‘ ‘A A A A A AA     -‘·` A   V     distinguished faculty, who are ,
€i“’AY V *AA“`AA AAA   T ` V A A ‘   ~ A’ A       i`tii`   today making this one of the l
l A     A A A iv‘· - A - - ·   _   A AV TQ,  greatest institutions of learning in {
ms     .   AA A. A Af AA A   the land.
imfy A V A T     -Af I   _ ·   AV A`     — A . , VA A_  A`;‘ A The years, to us, have flown I
“[€]A` VA A   A A _   avv V·   A·t‘A '   AA V AA   swiftly by, and we are still young. /
ECN; A A A1,  ,_ A AA * .A,A   AA °   ` A. A· This will be recognized in the
md VP? _ V ~ {V;   _   _A’· A     _ V A " - touch of youthfulness displayed by
mfw A   ~   ·   Ai AAAA  AA   _ V A V     A- our class group here assembled.
mm . A —— °   » ’ A AA     _ V   ·. _ AA "That golden haze of student days
l°lA°S' A AA AA ' __ AAA AA     AA AA V   ` -· _ ''`’A clings 'round about us yet." Out
X?C“` » V ‘ V-   -   AAAAA   A j __VA   .   - of our original class of seventy-
Ylcml —   V ~ AA __ A· °' AA   V A‘> V.AAA AA V V _ five members, Hfty—hve are still liv-
ld he ’ A AA _V AA V V A `A   A` · Ld ing and ten are here for the re-
9 {llc A A ‘A A. A -   ‘A V AA union: Charles R. Gilmore, Ben-
gfcsx LL   s   A V V V V; F V 5 VV __j~· Vjamin R. Hart, Louis E. Nollau,
irlcan ’— AA t A AAA A ‘ A "     Q AA _A ·   Charles O. Peratt, Homer Puckett,
Af lbf A AA · A I — * A·   ‘·—- A . A A‘A` s -'   Heber H. Rice, Lillian Austin
Si¤¤¤l   ‘ “ _ AA A ·   — · ‘A Robertson,   Craig Shelby, \Vil-
lmcf   A A .   _ _   »   A A. ‘‘`’‘°   ‘‘`‘` ‘ liam H. \\’arder and Dr. George
Jl lll? ‘ A               V~VV     H. \t\’ilson. Messages olA regrets
i€lAS‘   · `‘’‘       —A’_   r_AA    i f  ~   from Nancy Bt1lAord, “Tommy"
[iriam   ·.»._     5 QV   Smith and Cornelius \Vare.
on, H A   A         _V_V§ V lt is said that life begins at forty.
tl903. 5   V   `_   AAAA lf my span of years should be
    · A A ‘   ‘A’:’° measured Vby that olA 1ny grand-
41-             AV=—    _...      father, thirty-two years still lie
A i       V__     ahead. before the sunset. Our class
MAAAASA A·   .=`         A tree planted in the Spring of l904,
EAASAAAAA AA A A A   A‘AAA A       AAA   . though having experienced a strug-
It WAAS   _ AAA  _     A       gle in its infancy, even as you and
lucffsj A ‘   _AA;;VAV.AA        A Al, has, 11everthelAess, weathered the
g C af     A »   .   ;“"`A AAVVA     A.         storms and shared the sunshine, to
{ what       ‘ AA =·” AA A · A ‘ - AA A   ._A· t’—AA `   ··—A   AAAA   ·.AAAA   reach forth its spreading branches
normal f 1 AA AA AA ‘ A AAAA ‘A   A · AA AA ’ ` "   AAAA "   · A‘A· iA‘AAAA“ ` A t AA to shelter and to welcome us toda}’.
me AEA   Front row—Chorles O. Perrott, Huber H. Rice, Lillion Austin Robertson, Pri<>r l0 its ljlmulng We had been
ll) (OUA   George H. Wilson, Croig Shelby, Louis E. Nollou; back row—Ben R. Hort, fA[]]‘]]i$hC(l three trees fl`O]ll WlllCl1
get Ul   Williom H. Worder, Homer Puckett ond Chorles R. Gilmore. Selection was LO bc made by thc
nchefm AA +\T`_AT T“ TmAAATTAAAFA ;1   But the uniors securely hid
ng CUNA   HEBER H- RICE SPEAKS OUVCIA lvcmlcu H<>l¤¤¤~ wid ivhift appeared Alo be the two choice A
Afuslw ,;l_ AT ALUMNI LUNCHEON ulxm H Si·¤il2¤‘ °(AC"$i(m:_ _ trees, which left us no option but  
TS AAAAA is {dl A. AHM any old lA(’ll"“' Sm mlxcd to plant the scrubby little maple `‘'AAA A " f
§A A ·( ACSA bl HEBAAR H' RICE PIAGSA with [ho b(’}'$i which remained. Not discouraged, .
fl? PNAAA fi AAAACAAA OA Ahc _C A H S S Of A 9 0 4 ’ AAH hs 11;*5* mm him out however, we set it out amid pomp I
lV€‘ASff"   gA;AAv€AA§AAy AAA K€mAACAA)A’ af AAA? “Alll“’“l lmlkmg il lmlsci and ceremonies, made speeches {
lllfhl   A AAAAAAU hmChC(m’ Umvcrsuy Of AAHQHQA lim ulnlamlffs Chcm and poured out oratory upon it. — `
subjctl- · Kemucklh Allmc 2» IQ44- L€xl“g' Und thc (Ym*ll"SA““A$ Slmcy The luniors suggested that little ;»_ L
<>cl`¤lAlA·AVA gg? AQZIIAAAA the AAQAAAAEAAA AHHAVCAAA UOM [mw is H lil"' "ACAIAC hope Acould be iiéia for its survival, sv l
Ylllfclw p l AAAS Reumom LWCMY l" “l¥h'·AA in view of the warm air that had HV 1
lllS‘ AAAAA A _—_— This is [hc (’“A"Sl°l° el the ff"` been thus administered upon it, __ i
V.[y_ Vlctif  Mr. Foastmaster, President Don- tieth anniversary olA the class of [md that it was dcslincd U) Www], VVV
iancis  ;’V€111, Distinguished Guests, Fel- l9()~l. Our class extends its pro- HPV H,,wCvm.V thc,-C al,I,C;,rCd [O V VV I
2) Ow Alumni and Friends: foundest respects and heartiest (crmzimml rm Page Il) V I V
Lz?  —. __;____ I
MNB; THE Klizvrvcxy ALUMNUS 5 l, 21 il
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